Advances Algebra- Factoring Quadratics.

By BUthoff
  • Quatratic Equations

    Factoring a quadratic equation and determining the path of a projectile have a lot in common the most important thing it does is we use out graduatic equation to find out where the projectile will end up and example will be a Cannon Ball
  • Equation Picture

    Equation Picture
    Picture of our equation from the lab " SHUTTLE SHOOTER"
  • Quadratic formula

    The quadratic formula is X= -b+-( the square root of) b^2-4ab (divided by) 2a, a quadratic formula calulates x-intercept/zeros/where projectile hits the groud. The advantage is when you are facoriting you cant always get two hole numbers and you cant always get it to tell you all the inforation that you need to know. An example would be taking any number and putting it into the quadratic formula to get what x equals

    y= -490t2+( upward Velocity) (Starting height)
    x= (Forward Velocity) (Seconds in the air)
  • Second shuttle shooter

    we did two different shoot offs and our results were at 50 degrees it went 3.36 meters and at 30 degrees it went 74 centameters. ( the bigger the angle the higer the rocket will go.) If the angler is smaller it will go farthers because it doesnt have to worry about going up and forward. It just has to go forward.