A Timeline of My Life - Avery

By a_very
  • Period: to

    Trust vs Mistrust

  • Birth

    I was born at 11:38 am, weighing in at 7 pounds 8 oz. The second child of my parents Natalie and Travis, my older sister Emma was born two years prior in Ohio. With a Jewish mother and Christian father my childhood would consist of exposure to mixed cultural and religious practices. My adventure of life was off to a great start.
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    Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt

  • Sister Lilah Born

    I wasn't the youngest child for long. The birth of my younger sister meant I'd have two siblings I could count on, and the unfortunate position as the middle child.
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    Initiative vs Guilt

  • Major Allergic Reaction to Peanuts

    Major Allergic Reaction to Peanuts
    After trying a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for the first time, my world was quickly turned upside down. The unexpected reaction and troubled breathing sent me into a panic. With little time to spare I arrived at the emergency room and got a life saving double dose of epinephrine.
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    Industry vs Inferiority

  • Moved To Lacey

    Moved To Lacey
    Having lived in Lakewood and Manchester for my early years, I started the 1st grade in a new town. This new town would prove to provide new friends, experiences, and excitement.
  • Brought Annie Home (Best Dog Ever)

    Brought Annie Home (Best Dog Ever)
    Annie is a best friend, curious, always getting into silly kinds of trouble, and just makes life a little more exciting.
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    Identity vs Role Confusion

  • First Day of High School

    First Day of High School
    A new school with more work and responsibility, but also a taste of independence. The chance to choose my own courses based on personal interest, and admittance to the STEM program would guide my education towards my future goals.
  • Graduate High School and Move on to College

    Graduate High School and Move on to College
    While high school served as a place to find my footing in my interests, moving on to learn in college will allow me to climb higher and pursue a career. With an interest in computer science and engineering, I hope to attend TCNJ, learning at every opportunity and exploring different career paths though internships.
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    Intimacy vs Isolation

  • Graduate College

    Graduate College
    With a bachelors degree in engineering and some work experience under my belt, I'll be ready to tackle the real world.
  • Get a Job

    Get a Job
    In search of an exciting and innovative work experience, I start my career at SpaceX. Designing low cost and reusable systems for space helps to advance humanity, and is a field I find very interesting
  • Get Married

    Get Married
    By some stroke of luck I'll find love and won't have to die alone. Someone who is a best friend, with shared interests and excitement, will make the perfect partner.
  • Advance in Career

    Advance in Career
    Keeping my career as a priority will let me climb the ranks at SpaceX. Higher positions will bring varied work and more pay, and an overall more satisfying life
  • Adopt a Dog (children are overrated)

    Adopt a Dog (children are overrated)
    What better way to reduce your carbon footprint and stress than not making pesky children? Sure they bring happiness to life, but so do dogs. Adopting a dog from a shelter will give my wife and I something to love.
  • Invent Something

    Invent Something
    Working at SpaceX helped to expose me to many new ideas. Creating a product of my own will help me fork off in my own direction.
  • Period: to

    Generativity vs Stagnation

  • Start My Own Company

    SpaceX was good to me, but the time will come to go off on my own. Using my invention and drive to succeed, I plan on making my startup a thriving company
  • Spend More Time With My Hobbies

    Spend More Time With My Hobbies
    While focusing on work is imporetant, so are your own interests. Devoting time to my love of photography, travel, and cooking keep life exciting and new.
  • Settle Down In My Dream House

    Settle Down In My Dream House
    Moving into my dream house is a major accomplishment. A modern house in an off the beaten path location will look great, and fit my lifestyle.
  • Explore New Things

    Instead of letting life become stagnant, I will continue to learn and experience new things
  • Learn To Play the Piano

    Learn To Play the Piano
    Sure, I was never good at playing instruments as a kid, but putting in the hard work later in life will yield an interesting hobby
  • Buy My Dream Car

    Buy My Dream Car
    Upgrading to a fancy electric car is exciting and fun. Everyone deserves some thrills at 60
  • Retire

    Time to focus more on myself and less on work. Retiring will give me the chance to see the world with my wife.
  • Period: to

    Ego Integrity vs Despair

  • Travel The World

    Travel The World
    Inspired by my grandparents who made their priority in retirement to see and do as much as possible globally, I will span the globe seeking out enriching new experiences
  • Make Personal Life A Priority

    Knowing that the clock is ticking means its time to focus on friends, family and self fulfillment
  • Visit Space

    Visit Space
    Maybe not feasible now, but space tourism will be a possibility in 2075. There is no more breathtaking of a view than looking down on the entirety of our planet, and that's a view I would love to see.
  • Stay Active

    Stay Active
    Getting older takes a tole on the body. Staying fit by bike riding and hiking will help me connect with nature and keep healthy
  • Use My Money For Good

    Use My Money For Good
    All those years of work helped me save up a lot of dough. Without any kids, philanthropy will help me use my money to improve the word
  • Death

    Hey, it couldn't last forever. Avery died in a tragic fiery plane crash. Dying in your sleep seems boring anyway. View the obituary here