A Day at School

By round2
  • Period 1

    After you go to homeroom and you get your attendence submitted, you leave your homeroom...and you go to wherever your next period class is.
  • Period 2

    After you leave your first period class you continue down our schedual into your next class to wherever that is.
  • Period 3

    After your 2nd period class you again, continue down to your next class. This will be your last class of the morning.
  • Period 4

    Your next period is the best period of the day, LUNCH! For differnt teams in our school, Oak Middle School, has differnt time periods in the day. I am just using my teams schedfual as an example.
  • Period 5

    After you go to lunch, you go to your allied art, known as art, gym health, etc.
  • Period 6

    After yourt period 5 you have to go to period 6. Which is on my teams, your last acedemic class.
  • Period 7

    This class is eaither skills or homework acedemy. After this class you are dismissed from school