

By dschu27
  • Treaty of Kanagawa is signed

    Treaty of Kanagawa is signed
    The Treaty of Kanagawa is officially signed in Tokyo, Japan by Commodore Matthew Perry and the Japanese Emperor. This event led to the begining of trade between the U.S. and Japan for many years to come.
  • Alaska is Purchased

    Alaska is Purchased
    Alaska is purchased from Russia for $7.2 million by the United States. The purchase of Alaska doubles the size of the United States and will lead to the discovery of vast amounts of resources.
  • Midway Islands are Annexed

    Midway Islands are Annexed
    The Midway Islands are officially annexed by the United States. This property would lead to an easy stop for ships in the Pacific.
  • Burlingame Treaty is signed

    Burlingame Treaty is signed
    The Burlingame Treaty is signed in Washington, D.C. This treaty officially established trade and friendship between the United States and China.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    A treaty between the United States and Hawaii officially makes the United States the only nation to build a naval base at Pearl Harbor. This Naval base will allow U.S. ships to stop midway through the Pacific rather than a continous voyage.
  • USS Maine Explodes

    USS Maine Explodes
    The USS Maine explodes in Havana Harbor in Cuba. This event would lead to war between the United States and Spain and an emergance of U.S. military power.
  • U.S. fleet attacks Spanish Fleet

    U.S. fleet attacks Spanish Fleet
    The U.S. naval fleet led by Admiral Dewey attacks and destroys all Spanish naval ships in Manila Bay. This event shows the world that the U.S. has a good navy.
  • Hawaii is annexed

    Hawaii is annexed
    William McKinley signed a bill which officially annexed Hawaii to the United States. This annexation would add to the United States' growing imperialist nation.
  • Spanish American War Ends

    Spanish American War Ends
    The end of the Spanish-American War happens when the Treaty of Paris is signed. This event is important because it showed the world that the United States could beat and is becoming a military power in the world.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris is signed which ends the war between the United States and Spain. As a result, The United States gained the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam.
  • William McKinley is assassinated

    William McKinley is assassinated
    William McKinley is assassinated by a polish anarchist. This assassination allowed Theodore Roosevelt to take office who would become an influential president.
  • Emilio Aguinaldo is captured

    Emilio Aguinaldo is captured
    Emilio Aguinaldo is captured in the Philippines which ends the Philippine-American War. This event showed that the unite dStates had dominace over the territories it owned.
  • Roosevelt Corallary is articulated to Congress

     Roosevelt Corallary is articulated to Congress
    President Roosevelt says his corallary for the first time in his annual message to Congress. This corallary reasserted the Monroe Doctrine and that the United States was the protector of the United States.
  • End of Russo-Japanese War

    End of Russo-Japanese War
    The Russo-Japanese War was a small conflict between Russia and Japan. This event was important to the United States because the United States showed its influence in world affairs by negotiating a peace treaty.
  • U.S. Marines are sent to Honduras

    U.S. Marines are sent to Honduras
    U.S. Marines are sent to Honduras to squash a rebellion there. This event is a sign that the U.S. is enforcing the Monroe Doctrine.
  • Panama Canal Opens

    Panama Canal Opens
    The Panama officially opens to ships. This event was important because it allowed the United States to put a navy in the Pacific Ocean.