My Lifespan

  • Period: to


  • Biosocial

    -prenatal vitamins
    -fruits and veggies in diet
    -gained 32 lbs
    -born on time
    -No drugs/caffiene/alcohol etc
  • Cognitive

    -talked to me
    -sang to me
    -read to me in the womb
  • Psychosocial

    -Mother was happily married
    -Not in poverty, dual income
    -No postpartum depression
  • Period: to

    First Two Years

  • Biosocial

    -Normal weight (50th percentile)
    -Tall for gestational age
    -Slept easily
    -Walked at 13 months
  • Cognitive

    -First word at six months ("Duck")
    -learned language at a regular rate
  • Psychosocial

    -Secure attachment
    -two older siblings, played a lot
    -stayed with mom first two years
    -play dates with cousins across the street
  • Period: to

    Play Years

  • Biosocial

    -Not picky with foods
    -motor skills at appropriate times
    -no serious injuries
    -no malnourishment
    -no maltreatment
  • Cognitive Development

    • large vocabulary (mother read to me every night)
    • learned only one language
    • went to a day care at mom's work
    • went to a public school for kindergarten (started at age 4 1/2)
  • Psychosocial

    -Took a lot of initiative
    - Sisters encouraged play
    - Since day care at mom's work, saw mom for lunch
    - Not aggresive
    - Authoritative parenting style
    - Played mostly with girl toys (no boys in the house besides Dad)
    - Punishment included time outs, no spanking
  • Period: to

    The School Years

  • Biosocial

    -Became a picky eater
    -Small for weight (low end of normal)
    - Played in backyard, no sports
    - No chronic Illness
    - Was told I was "Gifted and Talented" but refused to switch to their classes
    - No developmental Psychopathology
  • Cognitive Development

    • No second language introduced
    • Good grades in school (memory good, etc)
  • Psychosocial Development

    • Parents divorced
    • Mother remarried
    • Mother divorced
    • Switched schools 4 times
    • Moved 5 times
    • Switched school districts 3 times, but eventually moved back to the second school district
    • Made friends easily
    • Bullied a bit for being skinny
  • Period: to


  • Biosocial Development

    Had mearche at thirteen years of age
    Was skinny for my height
    Started sexual activity during these years
    Did not get pregnant/STI's (had one monogamous relationship)
    Drank alcohol, did not do any other drugs
  • Cognitive Devlopment

    Drove extremely fast
    Received good grades in school
  • Psychosocial Development

    Was heterosexual
    Questioned God- decided he was real
    First serious relationship (lasted 4 years)
    Didn't care about politics
    Fought with my mother a lot, close with my father and oldest sister
    Started with many aquaintance friends- turned into four or five very close friends
    No suicidal thoughts
    No arrests/trouble with the law
  • Period: to

    Emerging Adulthood

  • Biosocial Development

    Work out a lot, eat much healthier than adolescense
    Several sexual partners
    No STIs (do get tested after each partner)
    No eating disorders
    Drink alcohol mostly in moderation
    No drugs
  • Cognitive Devleopment

    Try to have dialectical thought
    Belive that I have stage 5: Conjunctive faith
    Went to college and got a degree, now going back for a second
  • Psychosocial Deveopment

    Feel that I know myself well (Identity)
    Feel close with those around me (intimacy)
    Have good friendships
    No relationship currenty
    Did live with someone
    Good wellbeing
    No psychopathology
  • Period: to


  • Biosocial Development

    Hope to keep organs healthy with exercise, good diet, moderate alcohol consumption, and no drugs
    Hope to be fertile
    Hope to continue going to the doctor for my regular check-ups
  • Cognitive Development

    Hope to increase my practical, analytical, and creative intelligence
    Hope to use selective optimization with compensation
  • Psycholsocial Development

    Social clock is already ticking- hope to be married and have children
    No midlife crisis
    Keep my openness, extroversion, and agreeableness, hope to stay open minded about issues
    Hope to continue my closeness with my mother/father/sisters and hope to become even closer with my neices/nephews
    Hope to work the entire time
  • Period: to

    Late Adulthood

  • Biosocial Development

    I hope to not have high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease
    I hope to keep up my good nutrition and exercise
    I hope to have a compression of morbidity
  • Cognitive Development

    I hope to compensate for memory loss by using visual cues
    I will try to not internalize stereotype threat
    I hope to not have alzheimers
  • Psychosocial Development

    I hope to have selective optimization and positivity effect
    I hope to do volunteer work after retirement, and possibly continuing education
    I hope to stay close with my family