8 event that change me

  • birthday in canada

    birthday in canada
    the day that i was born in Canada at around 2:00am in the morning. i am a Canadian citizen and this is why it is a important event because since i am a Canadian citizen i have the right to study in Canada and have good education and i will have a chance to work in here and experience different life style and learn from different cultures.
  • Period: to

    birthday to grade 10

    event that happends to me till grade10 in canada
  • my first online game

    my first online game
    one day my brother heard about a game and he brought the website of it and we start playing the first on line game. it is a big event because I am still playing this game today and it makes a bad habit for me because i want to play computer game. i learned how to respect people because of their personality and not their appearance.
  • the day that i start playing flute

    the day that i start playing flute
    i want to play a instrument when i was in grade4 my mom helps me to pick a flute corse that fund raise by the school so that it is cheaper. i study hard because i know the lessons are still expensive i got a 90+ for my first music test with a flute that year, and my music teacher gave me a chance to go to the band, to go to the band the student must have know the music and they are all grade5 or 6 buti am the first one who are grade4 to join the band
  • the day that i start playing badminton

    the day that i start playing badminton
    it was not the first day that i start playing this sport but the day that i start learning how to play badminton correctly with the rules and skills teaching by a coach. it is my favourite sport now and i could i represent the school to play badminton and challenge the other school in york region
  • i moved to Canada

    i moved to Canada
    this is the day that i leave Hong Kong and came to Canada to study in a different learning style. it was a big change for me in life because i have to study in a different environment and leave my friend, My life in the future will be different than my friend in Hong Kong since the education is different
  • i had a bike accident

    i had a bike accident
    it is a important event and i will remember this for the rest of my life because i had a bike accident event front of my house when i rode my bike at a high speed and quickly turn into my house drive way. my legs and arm were all injure but i didnt cry, i knew that i am not a kid anymore and i have my responsiblities
  • secondary school begin

    secondary school begin
    a new and different stage of my life begin. i have to study harder than before, and not playing everyday because this will prepare me to go to the university and so i can find a job in the future, This is when I began to grow as a mature adult with responsibilities and duties.
  • semester 1 end business class

    semester 1 end business class
    I got a 97average in business class with Mr Dougall, he was the first one who introduce business to me and now i am interested in busniess field. This is significant because it expanded my job choices greatly for the future, and helped me become a more well rounded person with many different interests. he is a great model for me to follow in my future due to his great personality, nice attitude, and easy going characteristics.