Life stages

PIES For Lifespan Development

  • Conception

    Coneption means the penetration of an egg cell by a sperm cell. The fusion of the nuclei forms the first cell of a new living organsim. Every month a woman will release an egg from her ovaries which will then travel down he fallopian tube into her uterus. this is usually lined with blood, ready for a fertilised egg to grow into a baby. For coception to take place, thie egg must meet with a aperm. If this manages to happen, pregnancy begins.
  • Pregnancy (Lasting 40 Weeks Post-Conception)

    Pregnancy (Lasting 40 Weeks Post-Conception)
    This process begins shortly after conception and can last up to 40 weeks, but can vary. During this time, changes begin to happen in a woman's body and pregnancy symptoms take place. The most common signs are as follows: nausea, cravings and breast tenderness. The zygote (fertilised egg) will gradually begin to become an embryo up to 8 weeks, and finally be called a foetus for the remainder of pregnancy. In some cases the embryo may not develop due to misscarriage or abortion. (See Links)
  • Birth Of A Baby...& From 0-18 Months

    Birth Of A Baby...& From 0-18 Months
    Sucking & grasping reflexes occur. Can lift head and move arms and is able to focus on objects. By 3 months onwards the baby can roll over, begins crawling motions and reaches for objects. From 6months, a baby can sit, crawl & develops hand/eye coordination. From 9months they could walk or feed self. Socializes with anyone, but may be uncomfortable around strangers. They may also begin testing limits. Uses hands to grasp objects. Puts everything in mouth. Becomes interested & understands words.
  • Early Childhood (3-5)

    Early Childhood (3-5)
    Early Childhood begins from the ages of 3 & 5. At this age language skills develop & so does hand/eye co-ordination. Enjoys climbing, running, etc. begins bladder/bowel control. Develops communication & becomes independant i.e what to wear, eat do. Limited vocabulary & can count. Very active & can dress/undress self. Learning new skills like sharing & taking turns. Understanding develops quicker than communication. Able to express "who", "what", "where", "mine", "his" and "ours".
  • Later Childhood (9-11)

    Later Childhood (9-11)
    Increased coordination & strength. Increasing in height & weight. Better ability at interacting with peers & has more same sex friends & gains strong group identity. Ability to compete. Develops values & beliefs for the future. Begin logical thinking and can copy adult speech. Begins to understand concept of time, day and date. Develop sense of accomplishment and applying personal knowledge to make sense of situations.
  • Early Adolescence (10-18)

    Early Adolescence (10-18)
    Begins to develop body proportions similar to an adult. May begin puberty (sexual development, voice changes, body odour). Teenagers develop self awareness, develop relationships, independance, ability to explore ideas, challenge authority, solve problems, develop personal values, views, beliefs & morals. Concerned with attractiveness, experimentation. Risk taking & separation from parents. Increased concern for future. Learn importance of relationships. Experiment with adult roles.
  • Adulthood (19 +)

    Adulthood (19 +)
    This is where adults: assert their personality, autonomy and independance. They begin to make important choices in relation to family, friends, ocupation and lifestyle. In regards to lifestyle, they may choose to keep fit or run marathons. Overcoming and avoiding major illnesses is another important factor adults think about at this time. Friendships become very important. Important decions such as Marriage & Career get thought about. Problem solving skills and expression are very advanced.
  • Older Adulthood (65+) & Final Stages

    Older Adulthood (65+) & Final Stages
    Body functions and appearance start to decline. Growth in wisdom increases. Life could be reviewed with a positive attitude.There is a reduced life expectancy & increased vulnerability. Ageing is brought about by biological and psychological changes. This tends to be challenged by: anti-wrinkle creams, having kids after you can. Finally comes the final stages (death). This is commonly linked to old age but can happen at any life stage.