Russian Revolution

  • Industrialization and issues that workers faced.

    Industrialization and issues that workers faced.
    There was an increase in factories at this time, which lead to poor working conditions such as; low wages, and child labor. So workers organized strikes because of th poor conditions and because they didnt like how industrialization spread so quickly.
  • Russo- Japanese war

    Russo- Japanese war
    Russia and Japan fought over Korea and Manchuria. Agreements were signed but weren't followed by the Russians. In 1904 Japan eventually attacked Russia at Port Arthur in Manchuria.
  • Trans - Siberian Railway

    Trans - Siberian Railway
    Britian and France worked together to build the longest railway possible. The Trans-Siberian railway took many years to finish. 1891-1916. This railway was helpful for trade.
  • Czar Nicholas II

    Czar Nicholas II
    Nicholas had absolute authority in Russia, he held a very strict rule. He organized vilence against jews and didnt accept minorities. He had censorship codes, and he had secret police which attended schools to 'spy' and see if everyone was getting a proper education and a report card.
  • Revolution Movements

    Revolution Movements
    There was a group of individuals who wanted to overthrow the Czar and take over rule, these people were the Marxist peope. Once they overruled the Czar they planned to have a dictatorship.
  • Marxists

    There was originally onebig marxist group, but they split into two different groups; the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks. The Bolsheviks were apart of the radical beliefs, and the Mensheviks wanted a large following and to gain support.
  • Bloody sunday

    Bloody sunday
    Protestors gathered in St. Petersburg to complain about the working conditions and lack of freedom given by the Czar. The Czar were given orders to open fire into the crowd, thats why its called Bloody Sunday.
  • WWI

    The Czar got Russia into WWI , their troops werent supplied with proper weapons because of the lack of resources therefore they were no match for the Germans. The German weapons were quite advanced and many Russians were taken hostage or killed. Poor military leadership and weakness was shown within the Czar.
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution
    Lenin and the Bolsheviks gained lots of power and control Russia. they took over governmen control, distributed farm land to peasants and signed a truce with Germany to stop fighting.
  • Czar Executed

    Czar Executed
    The March Revolution was a group of protestors against Czar's rule in Russia. the March Revolution was successful in making the Czar step down.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    Russia and Germany signed this treaty which was unfair to the Russians because more land was given to Germany and their allies. Russians were heated.
  • Lenin

    Creates a new policy called 'New Economic Policy'. This allowed people to run their own land and sell their own crops. The government still had control over the major industries.
  • USSR

    Russia was renamed the Union of Socialistt Republics, this started the Bolshevik Revolution, renamed themselves the communist party.
  • Stalin

    Lenin established a dictatorship of the communist party. Lenin died from a stroke in 1922. Joseph Stalin took Lenins place in the party, and remained the leader for 5 years 1922 - 1927. He had absolute control in 1928, and was dangerous.