Russian Revolution Timeline

  • Industrialization and the problems it caused it Russia

    Industrialization and the problems it caused it Russia
    • 1900: The number of Russian factories doubled. Russia was still instustrially behind. Nicholas's head minister created a plan to move Russia forward. Rapid industrialization of Russia brought low wages, bad working conditions, child labor and trade unions were outlawed. This caused Marxist revolutionaries to overthrow czar.
  • Czar Nicholas Rule

    Czar Nicholas Rule
    Nicholas III succeeded his father and halted all reforms in russia. He followed the rules of autocracy. To wipe out revolutionaries he exablished strict sensorship codes on documents. Also he sent political prisoners to Siberia and asked teachers for full reports on their students.
  • Development of Revolutionary Groups

    Development of Revolutionary Groups
    Marxist Revolutionaries believed that the working class could overthrow Czar. Them forming a " Dictatorship of the Prolerariat" This ment the workers would rule the country. The group split into two due to different beliefs. Mensheviks wanted popular support for the revolution and the Bolsheviks were willinng to sacrifice everything for reform.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    200,000 workers and their families went to the czar's winter palace in St. Petersburg. They had a petition for better working conditions, more personal freedom and an elected legislature. Soliders were ordered to fire at the crowd. 1,000 wounded and hundres killed. This caused strikes and violence spreading accross the country. 1905 czar promised more freedom and approved the Duma (russia's first parlement). Czar dissolved the Durma after 10 weeks.
  • World War I

    World War I
    Nicholas II decided to bring Russia into WW1. Russia wasn't prepared with military and economic costs. It's weak military was no match for the Germans. The war took a large toll on Russia. Czar decided to move to the front lines for motivation and leave his wife in charge of Russia. She ingored the cheif advisors and fell under the spell of "holy man" Rasputin. She allowed him to make many political decisions. He was murdered by a group of nobles.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    Female textile workers in Petrograd led a citywide strike because of bread and fuel shortages. These shortages were due to the poor economic condition of Russia due to the war. At first soliders were told to shoot the rioters and they did, but soon enough they joined their side.
  • The Bolshevik Revolution

    The Bolshevik Revolution
    Lenin and Bolsheviks gained control of the Petrograd soviet and soviets in other major cities. The Provisional goverment falls. armed factory workers stormed the winter palace. They arrested leaders of the provisional government. Bolsheviks take over. Lenin distributes the land to all the peasents. gave control of factories to workers and signed a peace treaty with Germany.
  • The Czar Steps Down

    The Czar Steps Down
    The March revolution caused Nicholas II to step down. a year later revolutionaries killed him and his family. The Durma establised provisional government (temporary government) Alexander Keremsky was the head to the new government. He decided to say in the war causing Russia to worsen.
  • Stalin become a Dictator

    Stalin become a Dictator
    Lenin had a stroke 1922. In competition for heading up the communist party was Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin. Stalin was cold and impersonal. He changed his name to stalin meaning man of steel. Lenin thought Stalin was dangerous and didn't want him to lead.
  • Lenin in Power

    Lenin in Power
    Lenin gained power during the Bolshevik Revolutoin. He took over after the fall of 1917.