Russian revolution

Russian Revolution

  • Period: to

    Russian Revolution

    Smoldering with hatred, Russia was longing for change. Restricted by the policies of the Czar Nicholas II, the workering class felt deep social unrest. As time progressed revolutionary groups planning to overthrow him gained support on a nationwide stage. Eventually causing the Czar to abdicate his thrown, and setting off a power struggle as Russia began to head in a socialist path. The nation would change drastically as a dictator would lead the country into an unseen direction.
  • Czar Nicholas Rule

    Czar Nicholas Rule
    As he took control of Russia from his father he halted all reforms in Russia. He upheld the autocracy policies his father had once run the country under. This meant he censored public documents, and controlled the educational system not wanting ideas of revolution to spread. Yet his policies blinded him to the changing times, and the direction his nation was heading.
  • Russian Industrialization

    Russian Industrialization
    In the 1890s Russia realized the industrial benefits it lacked by restricting its people with autocracy policies. In response to this Nicholas appointed his most capable minister to launch a program in an effort to move the country forward. The countries economical success that followed could be attributed to the raise in taxes implemented and the foreign investors the Russian government saught help from. These steps amounted to a heavy boost in industry, and a severe change in Russian economy.
  • Revolutionary Groups Develop

    Revolutionary Groups Develop
    As industrialization swept through Russia many people became filled with discontent. The rise of factories brought several new problems, and the working class had little say for the government banned trade unions. As a result to gain political say, workers demonstrated strikes, and began supporting local revolutionaries. A group of workers latched onto the ideas of an ideologist Karl Marx, and believed his word was the answer. They felt the working class citizens should overthow the Czar.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Nearly 200,000 workers on January 22, 1905 approached the Czar's Winter Palace carrying with them an unsigned petition. On the petition the workers demanded better working conditions, more personal freedom, and an elected national legislature. In response the Czar ordered soldiers to fire upon the crowd ultimately wounding more than 1,000 and killing several hundred workers. This provoked wide spread strike and violence throughout Russia. To satisfy his angered citizens Nicholas promised change.
  • World War I

    World War I
    With his fateful decision in 1914 to enter World War I, Czar Nicholas's II days were numbered. Russia unprepared to handle the military and economic costs entered battle against German forces that seemingly mowed them down. While at battle it was revealed to the people of Russia the evident weakness of czarist rule, and military leadership. With government affairs in a state of disarray due to the overwhelming influence of Rasputin, the war became all but lost for the Czar.
  • March Revolution

    March Revolution
    In Petrograd women textile workers organized a citywide strike. They like most of Russian workers wanted to rid the nation of the restricting autocracy policies. Nearly 200,000 workers engulfed the streets of the city demanding change. Russian soldiers at first came to the scene ordered to shoot the protesters, but later disobeyed the previous commands and sided with the workers.
  • Czar Nicholas II Steps Down

    Czar Nicholas II Steps Down
    With local protests expanding into a general uprising, the Czar was forced to abdicate his throne. With no leader in control, the Duma (once established by Nicholas) asserted their right of command. Headed by Alexander Kerensky (pictured left), the Duma set up a provisional government. Kerensky lost support of the Russian people though after he decided to continue Russian efforts in WWI. This angered soldiers and civilians which caused local soviets to come into existance.
  • Lenin Rises to Power

    Lenin Rises to Power
    With Lenin's return to Russia from exile he was able to pick up where he left off. His supporters in the Bolshevik group aided him as he gained control of Russia, toppling the provisional government in place. While at the helm he ran Russia in a socialist manner as he economically benefited the workers, and called for land sharing amongst peasants. Eventually he would create a republic of soviets which would be labeled as the USSR.
  • The Bolshevik Revolution

    The Bolshevik Revolution
    Lenin and the Bolsheviks gained enough local support to control the Petrograd soviet. As time progressed the socialist group was also able to gain control of other soviets in major cities. With the groups political ascension they were able to manipulate the citizens in the soviets they controlled. With Lenin's slogan, "Peace, Land, and Bread" becoming widespread his appeal as leader became realtively apparent.
  • Stalin Becomes Dictator

    Stalin Becomes Dictator
    As Lenin suffered a stroke in 1922 (surviving it), it was evident a new Communist Party leader would be needed to assume his duties. The race for that position came down between Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky. As Stalin became general secretary of the Party he aligned close supporters into roles of power. When Lenin died in 1924 he warned the Party of the ruthless nature Stalin emitted. Unfortunatley it fell on deaf ears as Stalin rose to complete power, and into the role of a dictator.