Tiwanna's Lifespan

By tb1
  • Date of Birth

    I was born on August 6, 1986. I was 8 lbs 1oz! In Southfield,Mi at Providence Hospital
  • The First two years: Biosocial

    At about age 6 mos, I was very interested in other people. I was extremely friendly and was awake ALOT!
  • The first two years: Cognitive

    By the age of 9 mos old I was very active, I began walking at this age. The first thing I did was pull down the living room curtains!
  • The first two years: psychosocial

    By 1 years of age, I was securely attached to my parents, I spent lots of time playing and always wanted to follow my dad around the house.
  • Play years: Biosocial

    I was enrolled in a daycare center, and I didn't like it at all. I had a hard time adjusting to the atomosphere and it took quite sometime for me to become comfortable, and play with the other children.
  • Play Years: Cognitive/Psychosocial

    My younger brother was born, and despite me only being 4 yrs old, I was happy to have a little brother. I felt like I could help out a lot with him. I also learned how to ride a bike that year.
  • School Years: Biosocial

    My first day of kindergarten, I was very shy during these years, so I didn't have much fun, and didn't interact much.
  • School Years: Cognitive

    I learned how to skate with roller blades. I struggled a lot at first because nobody really taught me, I figured it out on my own and became an excellent skater. I also learned to play the flute in band class.
  • School Years: Psychosocial

    I had encountered a bully at school :(. I graduated elementary school this year as well.
  • Adolescence: Biosocial

    At this age in my life, I went through puberty which meant lots of arguments with my parents, and dealing with peer pressure in school. This is the year I started Junior High School as well.
  • Adolescence:Cognitive

    I won the school spelling bee and was offered to compete against other school.
  • Adolescense: Psychosocial

    Graduated from middle school and began a summer camp program where I had the chance to interact with other students from different areas.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Biosocial

    I began to feel a need to fit in with different types of people during my junior year in high school. I also was obsessed with my weight and keeping up with the latest trends in clothing.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Cognitive

    I graduated from Cody High School this year! I was thrilled to graduate, and move on to the next stage of my life. I started college that following fall at Henry Ford Community College.
  • Adulthood: Biosocial

    Our textbook identifies this age to be between 25-65, so next year I will be an official adult! I have one child, and between these ages, I expect to have my career as a RN started, and purchase my first home for myself, and my newborn son. I hope to be married to my lifelong partner as well.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Psychosocial

    I believe now I am currently at the end of this stage in life im 24, and I know what I want out of life, and the way to pursue it. I now work as a Nursing Assistant I have been certified in this field since age 18.
  • Adulthood:Cognitive

    I expect during this age to experience marriage, and possibly have more children. I expect to have my masters degree in Nursing during this time frame as well. I plan to retire as a Nurse Educator.
  • Adulthood:Psychosocial

    I hope to have experienced a lot of differences, good and bad as apart of the growing process throughout adulthood. I expect to have a closer relationship with my father, and a healthy relationship with my partner.
  • Late Adulthood: Biosocial

    I hope to be planning my retirement, and traveling. I also hope to still be in good health walking around and exercising!
  • Late Adulthood: Cognitive

    I plan to keep my mind busy, volunteering at local high schools and churches.
  • Late Adulthood: Psychosocial

    I hope to be retired and volunteering, maybe take a class or college course to stay active. I also hope to have grandchildren.
  • Death and Dying

    I hope to have lived a successful life, and had been a great impact and influence on many individuals throughout the course of my career as a nurse and nurse educator. The day I depart from earth, I hope to have experienced the world, family and lots of love.