4b Cameron Nemeth world history timeline

  • Period: 5000 BCE to 1749 BCE

    Mespotamian civilization

    located in the fertile Cresent
  • Period: 3000 BCE to 360 BCE


  • 2560 BCE

    pyramid of Cheops

    pyramid of Cheops
  • Period: 2500 BCE to 1500 BCE

    Indus Civilization

    Located in India
  • 1754 BCE

    Hammurabi's code

    Hammurabi's code
    king Hammurabi made a code dated to 1754 as the earliest legal code that dealt with crime and civil matters. This code sets rules and laws. This code kept about 282 laws.
  • Period: 1700 BCE to 70 BCE

    Hebrew Civilization

    Located in the Middle east
  • Period: 1550 BCE to 300 BCE

    Phoenician Civilization

    Located in Egypt
  • Period: 1046 BCE to 256 BCE

    Chinese civilization

    Located in China
  • Period: 800 BCE to 464 BCE


  • Period: 753 BCE to 1453

    roman civilization

    located in the roman peninsula
  • Period: 550 BCE to 1925 BCE

    Persian Civilization

    Located in the Asia minor
  • 500 BCE

    democracy begins Athens

    democracy begins Athens
    This democracy was developed around fifth century BC. It was the first known democracy and the longest lasting. This democracy lasted two Centuries. This government was ran by the people.
  • 483 BCE

    Siddartha/ buddha dies

    Siddartha/ buddha dies
    Siddhartha was looking for spiritual Enlightenment. He tried to teach others that happiness comes from spiritual peace. He also reached enlightenment on his own and couldn't be taught by others.
  • 480 BCE

    Battle of Thermopylae

    Battle of Thermopylae
    This Battle was fought between an alliance of greek city states. This was lead by king Leonidas of Sparta and the Persian empire of Xerxes I over the course of three days. This happened during the second Persian invasion of Greece.
  • 401 BCE

    Alex the great defeats

    Alex the great defeats
    Alex the great starts an invasion on Darius unstable civilization in which he defeats him. However Alexander is not the one that killed him. satraps had gotten to Darius before Alexander could
  • Period: 323 BCE to 31 BCE

    Hellenistic civilization

    Located in Egypt
  • 221 BCE

    Qin rule begins

    Qin rule begins
    This is the first dynasty of imperial china. It was named for its heartland name Qin. The Qin dynast had a lot of strength and was very powerful
  • 313

    Decree of milan

    Decree of milan
    There was an agreement to treat christians benevolently within the Roman Empire. This was an agreement to change policies torwards christians
  • Period: 330 to 1452

    Byzantine Civilization

  • 476

    Fall of Rome

    Fall of Rome
    The fall of Rome was mainly caused by barbarian attacks. This is what triggered the feudal system.
  • Period: 476 to 145

    Middle age Europe Civilization

  • 532

    Hagia Sophia is built

    Hagia Sophia is built
    A master piece for the Byzantine empire was built called the Hagia Sophia. Hagia Sophia is the meaning of holy wisdom. It is now turned into a museum with mosaics. It was built in 532 AD
  • 622

    Hegira begins

    Hegira begins
    This is the migration of the islamic prophet Muhammed and his followers from mecca to Yathrib. He than renamed it to Medina.
  • Period: 622 to 1258

    Islamic civilization

  • 632

    Schism of sunni and shia

    Schism of sunni and shia
    This will have happened a little after the death of the prophet Muhammed in the year 632. This is what will have triggered the split between Sunni and Shia
  • 732

    Battle of tours

    Battle of tours
    The Frankish leader Charles Martel with a massive invading Islamic led by Emir Abdul Rahman. Its is also know as the battle of Poitiers.
  • Period: 793 to 1263

    Viking Civilization

  • Period: 830 to

    African Kingdoms

    Located in Africa
  • Period: 862 to 1240

    Russian civilization

    Located in Russia
  • 1054

    Great Schism

    Great Schism
    This is the conflict and separation of eastern and wester church. Traditionally dated 1054. This is apart of the byzantine Empire civilization.
  • Period: 1185 to 868

    Japanese Civilization

    located in japan
  • Period: 1200 to 400

    Mesoamerican/ South American

    located in south America
  • Period: 1206 to 1368

    Mongol Civilization

    Located in Asia
  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    English Barons forced King John to give his asset in June 1215 at Runnymede. This document guarentees rights and privileges.
  • 1280

    Mansa Musa Hajj

    Mansa Musa Hajj
    This was a journey from one part of Africa to another. This was a very long journey. It happened in 1280 in the Islam civilization.
  • 1337

    Hundred year war begins

    Hundred year war begins
    This was a war between France and England over the possession to the french throne. It lasted from 1337-1453 so it would be more accurate to call it the 116 year war.
  • 1453

    Fall of Constantinople

    Fall of Constantinople
    Constantinople started to fall due to the invading army of the Ottoman Empire.This is for the byzantine empire.
  • 1521

    Tenochitlan founded

    Tenochitlan founded
    This was an island that was built on a lake in1521 in the valley of Mexico. Over time this city has fallen and flourished. The civilization that did this was the Aztecs.
  • Period: to 712

    Indian Civilization

    located in India