2A Natalie Smith World History Timeline

  • Period: 5000 BCE to 3500 BCE

    Mesopotamian Civilization

    The civilization was located in modern day Mexico and Brazil. timemaps.com
  • Period: 3100 BCE to 30 BCE

    Egyptian Civilization

    The Egyptian civilization was located in the North Western part of Africa along the Nile river. historyextra.com
  • Period: 3000 BCE to 322 BCE

    Indian Civilization

    The Indian Civilization was located in the Hindu Kush region. timemaps.com
  • 2560 BCE

    Pyramid of Cheops

    The typical name for the Pyramid of Cheops is The Great Pyramid of Giza. The Pyramid of Giza is known as one of the seven wonders of the world and is one of the oldest and largest pyramids. It is located in Egypt and was built during the rule of the Egyptian civilization.
  • 1734 BCE

    Hammurabi's Code

    Hammurabi's code was the first written law code. It was the laws for the city of Babylon in the Mesopotamian civilization. Some of the basic principles are used in our law codes today.
  • Period: 1400 BCE to 300 BCE

    Japanese Civilization

    The Japanese civilization is located in Nara Prefecture which is South of Kyoto. web-japan.org
  • Period: 1046 BCE to 256 BCE

    The Chinese Civilization

    The Chinese Civilization was founded along the Yellow river. timemaps.com
  • Period: 800 BCE to 146 BCE

    Hellenic (Greek) Cilivilization

    The Hellenistic Civilization was located in Greece which is around the middle of Italy. timemaps.com
  • Period: 753 BCE to 27 BCE

    Roman Civilization

    The location of the empire was around the middle of Italy. softschools.com
  • 732 BCE

    Battle of Tours

    Charles Martel was a Christian leader that took an army to defeat the Spanish Moors. This stopped the Muslim advance in Western Europe. This involved the islamic and the Frankish/French civilizations
  • 483 BCE

    Siddartha/ Buddha dies

    Buddha was the founder of Buddhism which was like a religion but with no god. It was about finding enlightenment. Buddhism was founded in India but spread to the rest of Southeast Asia. Buddha was the teacher and died of natural causes while trying to reach enlightenment.
  • 480 BCE

    Battle of Thermopylae

    The battle was fought between Greece and its alliances against Sparta. The battle of Thermopylae is known as the turning point in the war. It was within the time of the Greek civilization.
  • 476 BCE

    Fall of Rome

    The Roman empire is known as one of the greatest empires of the ancient world. Another name for the Roman empire was the mother empire. Many different difficulties led to the decline of the great empire. One of which was known as the Bubonic plague. The plage killed over half the roman civilization leading in a trade decline.
  • 400 BCE

    Democracy Begins in Athens

    The Greek civilization was the first to practice democracy. They used many different types of democracy but their principles are still used in politics today.
  • 331 BCE

    Alex the Great defeats Darius

    During the Persian civilization, Alex the Great led his army. He used many different strategies to battle the great Persian army. IN the end he was successful and defeated the army.
  • 221 BCE

    Qin rule begins

    The Qins were the first line of emperors in china. They unified China and were great rulers.
  • 330

    Constantinople made capital

    During the Byzantine empire, an emperor by the name of Constantine moved the capital of the Roman empire. He reamed it Constantinople. Constantine is known for legalizing Christianity.
  • 573

    Hagia Sophia Built

    The Hagia Sophia was built during the Byzantine Civilization and under the rule of Justinian I. Its name means "holy wisdom" and is a church that typically practiced the Eastern Orthodox religion.
  • Period: 610 to

    Islamic Civilization

    The Islamic civilization is located in Afghanistan around the southern area of the Arabian peninsula. factmonster.com
  • 622

    Hegira Begins

    During the civilization of the Muslims (Islam) Muhammad took a journey from Mecca to Medina. It was holy trip on the way to holy land.
  • 632

    Schism of Sunni and Shia

    The Islam civilization had a problem with who could rule. The people split into two sections, one believed in bloodline and one believed in whoever.
  • 1054

    Great Schism

    The Great Schism was the split of Christianity into the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches. The split was during the time of the Roman and Byzantine empires.
  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    The charter reduces the King's power and protects nobles. It was agreed to by King John of England during the time of the Spanish and English civilizations.
  • 1324

    Mansa Musa Hajj

    King Mansa Musa, the king of Mali, is famous for his Hajj. During his journey he stopped by Egypt and gave them gold. The amount of gold he gave ruined the economy for years.
  • 1325

    Tenochitlan Founded

    In the Mesoamerican civilization the Aztecs made Tenochitlan their capital.
  • 1337

    Hundred Years War begins

    The Hundred Years War was during the English and French civilization and was for the French throne.
  • 1453

    Fall of Constatinople

    During the rule of the Byzantine empire the capital, Constantinople, was captured by the Ottoman empire.
  • Decree of Milan

    Napoleon I the French king made the decree of Milan. It enforced the Berlin Decree which used a system called the Continental System that was the basis for a plan to defeat the British by attacking the economy.