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Jennifer Farnsworth

  • The First Date

    Na na na na na na na na BATMAN! I meet you and we start going out that same day. I'm not sure what was so special about you, but it was love at first sight<3
  • The First Breakup

    Best friends will NEVER fight over boys. And thus by Blaze's hand, you were gone.
  • Together Again and HAPPY BRITHDAY

    Together Again and HAPPY BRITHDAY
    Theres only one thing you want for you birthday. And I've decided I'm still interested in you.
  • The Second Breakup

    Things aren't going so well on my side. My heart is confused.
  • The First Decline

    You ask me out AGAIN. I decline this time. Your heart was always in the right place darling.
  • The Date That Really Matters

    The Date That Really Matters
    Love Once More(:
  • I Do it Again

    The day I almost messed it up once and for good. But you would'nt loose me, not ever again.
  • The Worst Day

    The day you messed it up once and for good. Its never going to be the same.
  • You Do It Again

    You're just a trouble maker. And not in the good way always.
  • You Come Home(:

    I was never so happy to see someone in my life. I missed you like hell kid.
  • We Start As Highschoolers

    Another year (not technically.) But we went from eighth graders to freshman when nobody said we'd last.
  • One Year<3

    One Year<3
    Its been a journey. I've never been happier.