20th Century Russia

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    Russian Revolution

    • Collective name for a series of Revolutions in Russia in 1917
    • Destroyed the Tsarist autocracy
    • The Tsar was removed and replaced by a provisional government in the first revolution of February 1917
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution
    The Bolshevik Revolution in Petrograd overthrew the Russian Provisional Government and gave the power to the local soviets dominated by Bolsheviks.
  • Lenin's new economic policy

    Lenin's new economic policy
    • Allowed small business while the state controlled the rest
  • Creation of the Communist Party

    • based upon Marxism, a variant of the ideology formed by the sociologist Karl Marx in the 1840s
    • largely organized by a man known as Vladimir Lenin
    • After the Russian Revolutions the Communist Soviet Union developed
  • Official establishment of the USSR

    Official establishment of the USSR
    Founded,after the Russian revolution of 1917, with the union of the Russian, Ukrainian, Byelorussian, and Transcaucasian Soviet republics, each ruled by local Bolshevik parties.
    USSR - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
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    Stalin's five year plan

    • List of goals to increase economy between 1928 and 1932
    • Build up heavy industry
    • Develop collective farming systems
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    Cuban Missile Crisis

    • Conflict US against Cuba and Russia
    • October 1962
    • after some unsuccessful operations by the US to overthrow the Cuban regime the Cuban and Soviet governments secretly began to build bases in Cuba for MRBMs and IRBMs (Ballistic missiles)
  • Glasnost/ Perestroika

    Glasnost/ Perestroika
    • introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev
    • Glasnost allowed freedom of information in the activities of the government institutions
    • Perestroika allowed more independent actions from the various ministries and introduced some market-like reforms
  • End of communist party

    End of communist party
    Approximate Date • Mikhail Gorbachev's attempts to reform communist to be more democratic version
    • Lead to the breakup of USSR
    • In 1991 Republicans discussed a new relationship and formed the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) and communism officially fell in Russia
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    Democracy of Russia implemented

    • Congress of People's Deputies, was elected in March 1990 in a largely free and competitive vote http://weknowmemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/russian-democracy-comic.jpg
  • Russian Stock Market Crash

    Russian Stock Market Crash
    Approximate Date • Partially caused by the first war in Chechnya that cost an estimated at $5.5 billion
    • Declines in demand for crude oil and nonferrous metals.