20th century presidential outlines

  • William McKinley (1897-1901)

    William McKinley (1897-1901)
    Beat Dem William Jennings Bryan twice was boss Hannas man, assassinated by socialist
    (Dingley Tariff) highest in the history to date, 57%
    (Gold Standard adopted)
  • Spanish American War

    Causes yellow journalist hearts ans pulitzer blame spanish for maine exploinding the Lome letter.
    America hatred of Spanish brutality in Cuba, US Cubans wishes
    1898 treaty of Paris: US gets Philliphines, Puerto Rico, Guam, Cuba indep but US protectorate
    Effects : need for Panama Canal modernize US military, Filipino Insurrection, Us overseas empire
  • Treaty of paris 1898

    US gets Phillipines Puerto Rico Guam and Cuba
  • 1898 Anexation of Hawaii

    US planters overthrew Queen Lilliuokalani 1894
  • Open door policy 1899-1900

    john hay trades with chinese spheres of influence
  • Boxer rebellion

    us and europe helped each other to prevent attacks from chinese imperialist
  • Theodore Roosevelt 1901 to 1909

    Republican progressive reform
  • Chinese exclusion act

    restricts japanese immigrants
  • Chinese exclusion act

  • Hay bunau varilla treaty

    gave US routes to build Panama canal
  • Booker T washington

    Former slave who does not advocate political or social equality between whites and blacks
  • Hepburn Act

    to regulate rr rates
  • Panama canal

    US helps Panama becoem indep of columbia to create a US canal teaty
  • Panic of 1907

    reveals money trust greater power of aUS banking and money supply than government
  • Gentelmens agrement

    Restricted Japanese immigrants
  • William howard Taft

    republican TR vice president
  • Ballinger pinchot contreversy

    taft fired chief forrester pinchot for accusing interior sec and using US natural resources
  • WEB DuBois

    funds the NAACP
  • Payne aldrich tariff

    cut tariffs
  • woodrow wilson

    republican new freedom won election of 1912
  • 16th amendment

    progressive income tax
  • 17th amendment

    direct election of senators
  • federal reserve system

    result of investigation of money trust panis 1907
  • Underwood simmons tariff

    Lowers tariff
  • clayton anti trust act 1914

  • Federal trade comission

    investigative corp violations antitrust laws
  • Military interview in vera cruz mexico

    US Government controls city after Mexico officials seized US sailors and refused to apologize
  • Hebert cloy the promise of american life

  • The lusitana sinking

  • Birth of nation

    1st full lenght silent movie glories KKK
  • Military interventions into mexico

    led by Gen Purshing to chase PanchoVilla troops to Mexico
  • Madisons Grants pession of the great race

    Nativist warns mongrelization by immigrants
  • us in ww1

    they entered war because germans did not listen to remove unrestricted submarines
  • Influenza epidemic

    Killed 600000 in US in 10 months 1 in 20 Americans
  • Steel strike

    Masive violent strike led by union leader Samuel Gompers
  • Red scare and palmer raids

    Palmer and Hoover arrested imning ans union agitators and abused civil liberties
  • Treaty of versailles

    US did not sign
  • 19th amendment womwn can vote

    very influential book argued and opened peoples eyes to what the abuse and eco abuses they were going through
  • Margaret Sanger

    Founds american birth control league aka Planned parenthood