How to become president chart dehahs picture

20th century presidential election

  • William Mckinley

    William Mckinley
    beat democrat Jennings Bryan twice
    boss hanna's man
    assassinated by a socialist
    dingley tarriff (highest in history)
    gold standard
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    US gets philippines, Puerto Rico, guam
    Cuba was independence US PROTESTED
    need for Panama canal, better US military, Philipino insurrection
    US overseas Empire, 1898 US ANNEXED HAWAII
  • Theodore Roosevelt republican (1901-09) Bull Moose Party

    Theodore Roosevelt republican (1901-09) Bull Moose Party
    • Square deal proposal
    • Corollary to Monroe doctrine
    • Panama canal right acquired (1904)
    • Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905)
    • Won Nobel Peace Prize (1906)
    • Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)
    • San Francisco Earthquake (1906)
    • Panic of 1907
  • National Reclamation Act

    National Reclamation Act
    construction of irrigation works
    wanted people to settle in west converting arid federal land into agriculturally productive land.
  • Big stick policy

    Big stick policy
    • Roosevelt policy to restore order in Latin American countries
    • Panama canal the treaty of Hay-Bunau gave US the right to build the canal
    • Roosevelt help solve many disputes between south American countries and European to maintain peace and US interest from being monopolized
  • Hepburn Act

    Hepburn Act
    prohibited railroads from obtainning commodities
    control interstate commerce
    create rates on railroads
  • panic of 1907

    panic of 1907
    $$$ trust had a greater power over US banking & $$$ suply than the goverment
  • W.E.B. Dubois

    W.E.B. Dubois
    • Advocate full social, pol, & eco equality for all blacks
    • Co founded NAACP 1909 with white people
    • 1st black to get a Harvard PhD
    • Opposed Booker T conservative approach
    • Niagara movement ask for black to be treat as men
  • Woodrow Wilson: (1912-1920) republican

    Woodrow Wilson: (1912-1920) republican
    • Won election of 1912 against the progressive party member Theodore Roosevelt
    • Lusitania sunk
    • US enters war
    • Treaty of Versailles and the league of nations
    • 18 & 19 amendment
  • Federal Reserve System

    Federal Reserve System
    • Result from investigation of money trust/ panic of 1907
    • Serve as the national central bank
    • US government controls $$$ supply, interest rates
    • Most banks joined by 1929
  • Dollar diplomacy

    Dollar diplomacy
    to protect US ecomomy interest including Venezuela intervention
    guaranteed loans to pay money own to foreinght countries
    designed to help Latin America
    durind william taft presidency
  • Underwood- Simmons tariff 1913

    Underwood- Simmons tariff 1913
    lowers tariffs
  • Military intervention in Vera Cruz 1914

    Military intervention in Vera Cruz 1914
    US controls city after mexican officials seized US sailors & refuse to apologize
  • Clayton anti trust act 1914

    Clayton anti trust act 1914
    outlawed many practices used to build monopolies
    exempted unions from Sherman anti trust act
  • Federal trade commision 1914

    Federal trade commision 1914
    investigate corporations violations antitrust laws
  • Military intervetion into Mexico 1916-19

    Military intervetion into Mexico 1916-19
    led by Gen Pershing to chase Pancho Villa
    troops were sent
    to Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Virgin Islands
  • Zimmerman note

    Zimmerman note
    germans promise to return lost lands to Mexico if join the war against US
  • 14 points

    14 points
  • Red scare & Palmer Raids (1919-20)

    Red scare & Palmer Raids (1919-20)
    • Fear of communisms and immigrants
    • Strikes happened often and many innocent were put in jail
    • The hysteria got worse after world war 1
    • American civil liberties was created
    • Mitchell Palmer he needed to protect America from communist people
  • steel strike 1919

    steel strike 1919
    massive violent strike
    led by Union leader Samuel Gompers
    broken by national guards
    contributed to the red scare
    a communist helps lead a strike
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    US senate led by Henry Cabot refuse to join
    Wilson took fight to join the league of nations
    had a stroke and his wife ran things until end of his term
  • Margaret Sanger 1921

    Margaret Sanger 1921
    found American Birth Control League
    Family planning & Birth control
  • Booker T. Washington

    Booker T. Washington
    • Tuskegee institute vocational training schools
    • Promote education, political and economic development for all blacks
    • Atlanta compromise ask for whites to allow blacks a vocational skills & earn living (1905)