1980 to 1989 Technology

By AW3866
  • Tommy Omnibot

    Tommy Omnibot
    This motorized android managed a variety of functions like the ability to carry light objects andummage across the carpet. It could also run casset tapes. It had a new feature what nobody had ever seen before a digital clock.
  • home games consoles

     home games consoles
    The Atari 2600 was launched in 1977. There were 128 different colors.
  • The First Scanning Tunnling Microscope

    The First Scanning Tunnling Microscope
    The first microscope was created in the year 1981. Invented by Gerd Karl Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer. It is an instrument for imaging surfaces at the atomic level.
  • The Personal Computer

    The Personal Computer
    It was created by a team of engineers and designers under the direction of Don Estridge. After a couple of months third-party suppliers were making things like extensions cords.
  • Armatron

    The Armatron was a toy made by Tommy. It was a robot arm where you can pick things up.
  • The First Commercial CD

    The First Commercial CD
    The first commercial CD was launched in the year 1982. Phillips and Sony were the creaters of this product. The first album was Billy Joel 52nd street.
  • Sinclair ZX Spectrum

    Sinclair ZX Spectrum
    Credited as the machine responsible for launching the UK IT industry. Hardcore gaming circles believe the ZX Spectrum paved the road for future gaming consoles. It exited the idea for the Nes and the C64. It has a ultra-modern design, distinct keyboard, and ability to play popular arcade titles.
  • The First Camcorder

    The First Camcorder
    The frist camcorder was made in the year 1983. This was the year when Sony and VC launched the first ever ever camera recorder. You could watch them at home with sound.
  • The Video Cassette Recorder

    The Video Cassette Recorder
    The video cassette recorder aloud you to record TV shows, pause and rewind them. They were very affordable back then.
  • Apple Macintosh Computer

    Apple Macintosh Computer
    The frist macintosh computer had a very affordable price: $2,500. It was made in teh year 1984.
  • VCR

    It is an electronic apparatus capable of recording television programs. Then you put them on video cassettes. You can watch movies at home without going to a movie theater, you can also rent them and turn them back and do it again.
  • Pocketvision 3

    Pocketvision 3
    Portable televisions were big in the mid-80s Anyone who walked into RadioShack might remember stumbling upon the Pocketvision 3. the device produced viewing angles, and offered 10 hours of playback through 4 AAA batteries.
  • The Kodak Fling

    The Kodak Fling
    It was the first camera for non-expert use. It was made by the Eastman Dry Plate Company. Kodak made a fool of everyone after launching it. It came at a unbeatable value of $7.
  • 3-D Glasses

    3-D Glasses
    The technology was nowhere near perfected. It was made for the movie theaters. The first movie for it was Friday the Thirtenth Part 3 with Jason. The concept of veiwiing 3-D with glasses was groundbreaking.
  • The First Walkman

    The First Walkman
    The walkman was a music device that you could use while doing physical activites. The walkman is like an old version on a ipod that we use today.