
  • Invention of the Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
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    President Rutherford B. Hayes

    He was a republican from Ohio. Hayes was the 19th president and oversaw the south's reconstruction.
  • The Great Railroad Strike

    The beginning of many labor related conflicts in the United States.
  • Invention of the Light Bulb

    Thomas Edison patented the light bulb.
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    President Chester A. Arthur

    Became president after the death of Garfield. He was a republican born in Vermont.
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    President James A. Garfield

    Hw was assassinated 4 months after his election. He served in the Union army during the Civil War and was a republican from Ohio.
  • Assassination of President Garfield

    President James A. Garfield was shot and killed by Charles J. Guiteau in Elberon, New Jersey.
  • Passing of the Chinese Exclusion Act

    Being the first major restriction to a immigrant group.
  • Immigration Act

    Denied immigrants that were poor, had mental illnesses, and were criminals
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    President Grover Cleveland

    First democratic president after civil war.
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    President Benjamin Harrison

    He fought in the civil war and the grandson of the 9th President of America.
  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act

    Linited the anti-competitive practices in businesses.
  • Wounded Knew Massacre

    A massacre of 300 Native Americans in the Ghost Dance War.
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    President Grover Cleveland 2nd term

    Only president to serve two terms unconsecutively.
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    President William McKinley

    President during the Spanish-American War and was killed in 1901.
  • USS Maine Explosion

    It exploded in Havana, Cuba. The explosion would inflame tensions between the United States and Spain, later led to the Spanish American War.
  • The sinking of Battleship Maine

    Death of 354 people after which America wanted war.
  • Declaration of War on Spain

    After the sinking of Battleship Maine. Was the begging of the Spanish-American War.
  • Battle of Manila Bay

    The first battle in the car where the U.S. defeated Spanish.
  • Signing the Treaty of Paris

    This treaty allowed the independence of Cuba, and gave the U.S. Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines.
  • Passing of the Open Door Policy

    Ensured that Western Powers could have the same access to the Chinese Market as the other large countries.
  • Lacey Act

    Law against shipment across state boards of species that were killed illegally.