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What Can We Do Together, Woodward North?

  • "Thinning the Walls"

    "Thinning the Walls"
    How can we start shifting our school's culture?
    The basic floorplan of our school with classrooms and WALLS has many teachers isolated. These teachers may be personal friends but have not entered into the enviornment of collaboration in their professional growth and planning for their students' learning.
    Our plan is to begin to "thin the walls" of our school and promote a network for professional growth of our faculty.
  • Research and Assessment

    Research and Assessment
    What behaviors have we observed and how will we determine an effective change has occurred?
    Improving people is the key to improving our school. We have observed anxiety over coordination and networking within grade levels and across grade levels. This conclusion of our research along with our PLP experience has created our objective to network and empower more teachers in our school with the support and tools to become a community of learners.
  • Designing Our Plan

    Designing Our Plan
    Following the Woodward Academy Tech Ed day, we surveyed our teachers to determine what "tools" had caught their attention. We asked if and when they had used any technology for personal and professional uses and if and when they used technology with their students. The teachers used a Google doc to answer the survey. This is step one of collaboration for our faculty.
    Our plan will need to focus on personal learning and not teaching about tech tools.