The Roman Monarchy

  • 534

    Tarquinius Superbus becomes the 7th king of Rome

    Heritage: Etruscan
    Notable for: The construction of the Cloaca Maxima
  • Mar 22, 616

    Tarquinius Priscus becomes 5th king of Rome

    Heritage: Etruscan
    Notable for: Introduction of the Etruscan culture to Roman society, making writing, dress, buildings, and the fasces into symbols of power.
  • Mar 22, 642

    Ancus Martius becomes 4th King of Rome

    Heritage: Sabine
    Notable for: Construction of the Pons Sublicius bridge at Aventine Hill, the creation of the Ostia "colony" that linked the Tiber salt works to the Via Salaria trade route.
  • Mar 22, 674

    Tullius Hostilius becomes 3rd king of Rome

    Heritage: Sabine
    Notable for: Increasing Roman influence within the Latium region of Italy, a declaration of war against the Albans (due to cattle raiding), and a settlement of the war by the pitting the Horatii against the Curiatii. Horatius won, destroying Alba Longa in the process.
  • Mar 22, 715

    Numa Pompilus becomes the second king of Rome

    Heritage: Sabine or Etruscan
    Notable for: The creation of the Roman religious structure and state religion. Establishment of the offices of pontiff, vestal, and flamines.
  • Mar 22, 750

    Romans take Sabine woman back to Rome by force

    Supposedly, there were no women in Rome at the time.
  • Mar 22, 753

    Rome is founded

    According to Roman myth and archaeological evidence, Romulus, the son of the murdered king of Alba Longa, founded Rome on Palatine Hill and ruled as Rome's first king after killing his twin brother, Remus. He also created class distinction when he chose 100 advisors called patres, who were the first of the patrician class, and participated in the rape of the Sabines.
  • Servius Tullius becomes 6th king of Rome

    Heritage: Latin
    Notable for: Roman victory at Veii, construction of the Servian City Wall (which expanded Rome's boundaries to include all seven hills), the organization of the assembly into the centuriae, the establishment of a currency system that replaced bartering, the establishment of the caste system based on wealth, and the first Roman census.
  • The Etruscan monarchs are explled from Rome

    Began the decline of Etruscan civilization
    Caused by: The Rape of Lucretia at the hands of Tarquinius Superbus's son.
    Monarchy replaced by: A republic that would see many wars and the greatest period of Roman expansionism.