My Life in Time

  • Birthdate

    I was born on February 22nd, 1998 at 3:15 a.m.
  • Dol

    In Korea, your 1st birthday is very important.
    It's called Dol.
    There are many festivities, gift giving, families and friends that come to visit a kid on their 1st birthday!
    Mine was in 1999, and it was pretty big!
    There was a scary looking clown and everything...
  • Seoul, South Korea

    Seoul, South Korea
    When I was 2 1/2, I visited South Korea for the first time.
    It was very scary and the plane to get there was awful!
    But overall the trip was really fun and I got to see my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.
  • 9/11

    September 11th was when al-Qaeda sent a series of suicide attacks to the United States. The hijackers intentionally hit the Twin Towers in New York City with two airliners. This was a sad day for all of us. I actually got to visit the site where the Twin Towers used to stand.
  • Verona!

    In 2002, I moved from the Madison area to Verona.
    I continued going to Preschool of the Arts until I started kindergarten at Stoner Prairie the following year.
  • Suzuki

    When I was 5, I joined the Suzuki Strings of Madison.
    I had my first recital at this age, and I messed up a lot.
    Many of my recitals didn't go very smoothly..
  • Perfect Attendance!

    Perfect Attendance!
    At the end of 1st grade, I got an award for perfect attendance.
    It was my first award and I still have it to this day!
    The following year I missed 2 days of school, because I was sick.
  • First Powerpoint!

    First Powerpoint!
    In 1st grade I made my first Powerpoint.
    It was really low-key, and mediocre.. but it was worth a shot!
    I can make a Powerpoint complete with information, slide transitions, pictures, and designs all in 30 minutes.
  • Sarah Chang

    Sarah Chang
    When I was 8 I met the world famous violinist Sarah Chang.
    She has always been a role model of mine, and she is insanely talented.
    She said I was cute!
  • Washington D.C!

    Washington D.C!
    In 2007, I went to Washington D.C!
    I got to go to the White House, Capital, National Archives Building, Lincoln Memorial, National Landmarks, and stand in the exact middle of Washington D.C.
    It was really fun!
  • Freedom Trail

    Freedom Trail
    While I was in Bostin, Massachutsetts, I got to go on the Freedom Trail.
    The Freedom Trail is a 2.5 mile red (or yellow) brick trail that leads you to 16 significant historic sites.
    A lady dressed in colonial time clothing lead us around Boston, and pointed out hidden keys and codes! I also got to go to Paul Revere and Benjamin Franklin's graves!
  • Barack Obama

    Barack Obama
    President Barack Obama was elected into presidency November 4th, 2008. He is our 44th President and first African American ever to hold office.
  • College for Kids

    College for Kids
    In the summer of 2009, I was picked to attended College for Kids with Caleb Cain and Alex Pletta!
    It was a great experience and I met a lot of friends I still talk to today.
    I took Philosophy, Nanotech, and Stop-Motion Animation courses, one per week with Group 17.
    We called ourselves the Chimichangas and we had a lot of fun learning.
  • National Merit Scholar

    National Merit Scholar
    In 2010, I was nominated by my language arts teacher, Ms. Schwenn, to a national yearbook. I was selected and I'm now a National Merit Scholar.
    I'm really happy I was selected!
  • Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestras

    Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestras
    I auditioned for WYSO in late May, for Sinfoinetta.
    I also quit Suzuki to start WYSO, but it was all worth it because I'm the number 1 ranked girl in my orchestra.
    I have so far performed in over 90 concerts.
  • 100,000 For Impeachment

    100,000 For Impeachment
    On February 17, I went to the capital to protest against Governor Scott Walker's bill. I was one of the 100,000 people who went to the capital in the cold to fight for what we believe in.