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English III class progress - looking back at where we've been

  • Period: to

    Our progress

  • Native American literature

    Native American literature
    Our first literary study - Native American literature. Our studies for this unit were: World on a Turtle's Back; Fox, Coyote and Whale; Coyote and Buffalo; La Relacion; and Coyote's Eyes.
  • Open Response due: How Coyote Stole Fire

    Open Response due: How Coyote Stole Fire
    This was a quiz grade for an open response reading done in class. It is a very important assignment!
  • Quiz - vocabulary lesson 1-3

    Quiz - vocabulary lesson 1-3
    This is a 60-point quiz - very important! It covered lesson 1-3 of our vocabulary from the ACT prep book.
  • Unit 1 Test

    Unit 1 Test
    Our test over Unit 1 - Native American Literature. It must be complete for a passing grade at this point in our studies.
  • Open Reponse - The Value of a College Education is Growing

    Open Reponse - The Value of a College Education is Growing
    This is also a quiz grade, a very imporant grade in this class to date so make sure you have it in to me! It is still available in the make-up work folder at the front of the room.
  • Personal narratives - a peer-editing, writing activity

    Personal narratives - a peer-editing, writing activity
    This was a short writing activity in class, in response to our study of slave narratives. This was an in-class grade only, but a large one, so please make sure I have it.
  • Unit 2 begins - Popular Puritan Penmen

    Unit 2 begins - Popular Puritan Penmen
    A new unit of study was introduced including: Anne Bradstreet's poetry and "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God". We also took notes based on a PowerPoint that is still available on the class blog.
  • Persuasive devices and popular speakers comparison

    Persuasive devices and popular speakers comparison
    Our next sub-unit of study involves persuasion - powerful speakers like Patrick Henry versus Tecumseh and how they convinced their audiences to follow their lead ... or didn't and watched their empire crumble! Notes for this topic are available in the make-up work folder and are very important!
  • Portfolio piece assigned - persuasive speeches

    Portfolio piece assigned - persuasive speeches
    Our second portfolio piece was assigned: write a 2 minute persuasive speach using three types of persuasive appeal and at least one rhetorical question. Our due date will be in March, so we have plenty of revision and practice time.
  • Persuasive speeches due!

    Persuasive speeches due!
    Our second portfolio piece will be due at this time. Be ready!