
Kunes. Kearia Jackson. The Renaissance

  • Period: Jan 10, 1300 to

    The Renaissance

  • Feb 25, 1330

    The Start of the Italian Renaissance

    The Start of the Italian Renaissance
    The Renaissance (or the "rebirth") began in the great city-states of Italy. It was both a philosphical and artistic movement and the era when that movement flourished.
  • Oct 15, 1450

    Johannes Gutenberg used Movable Type

    Johannes Gutenberg used Movable Type
    Johannes Gutenbery of Mainz became the first European to use movable type to print books. Gutenberg used his printing press to print copies of the Bible
  • Nov 21, 1452

    Leonardo da Vinci Was Born

    Leonardo da Vinci Was Born
    Leonardo da Vinci was an architect, engineer, painter, scultpor, and scientist. He painted "The Last Supper", a very famous painting during the renaissance, and today.
  • Aug 8, 1475

    Michelanglo Was Born

    Michelanglo Was Born
    Michelanglo was a brilliant painter. In addition to his art, Michelangelo wrote poetry and helped to design St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.
  • Mar 22, 1516

    Thomas More Published Utopia

    Thomas More Published Utopia
    Thomas more published Utopia. Utopia became popular in Europe, where it was translated into many different languages. His work was read and generally aclaimed humanist thinkers throughout much of Europe.
  • Feb 10, 1520

    Martin Luther Disagrees with Church

    Martin Luther Disagrees with Church
    martin Luther openly disagreed with many church doctrine. He claimed that the Bible was the sole religious authority. Luther argued that ceremonie could not make up for sins and that priests had no special role in helping people to salvation.
  • Nov 27, 1521

    Luther Declared a Heretic

    Luther Declared a Heretic
    Pope Leo X declared Luther a heretic. He excommunicated Luther from the catholic Church, because he continued to attack certain church practices and approaches.
  • Mar 3, 1528

    Henry gained title "Defender of the Faith"

    Henry gained title "Defender of the Faith"
    Henry VIII defended the church against Luther's teachings. The pope had granted Henry the "Defender of the Faith".
  • May 8, 1528

    "The Book of the Courtier" was Published

    "The Book of the Courtier" was Published
    Baldassare Castiglione published the most famous book of the Renaissance. Castiglione used real people engaged in fictional conversations to explain how gentlemen and gentlewomen should act in polite society.
  • Apr 2, 1531

    Zwingli Dies

    Zwingli Dies
    Zwingli died in a battle between Catholics and Protestants. Zwingli's followers covered up wall decorations in churches. His work was carried on by a French Protestant named John Calvin.
  • Sep 15, 1536

    John Calvin Published Religious Beliefs

    John Calvin Published Religious Beliefs
    John Calvin published a complete and clear set of religious beliefs, "The Institutes of the Christian Religion". This work explains what the faithful should believe on every major religious question.
  • May 20, 1555

    Charles and Princes Reach a Compromise

    Charles and Princes Reach a Compromise
    After trying to stop the spread of Protestantism, Holy Roman Emperor Charles V and Princes reached a compromise. The Peace of Augsburg stated that each German ruler had the right to choose the religion for his state.
  • King Henry issued the Edict of Nantes

    King Henry issued the Edict of Nantes
    This proclamation gave the Huguenots freedom of worship and some political rights