
The Industrial Revolution 14247

By 14247b
  • Jethro Tull

    Jethro Tull
    Invented the seed rill to allow a larger share of the seeds to germinate. This boosted crop yields and opened the doors for more efficient farming.
  • The Flying Shuttle

    The Flying Shuttle
    The flying shuttle was invented by John Kay. It carried threads of yarn back and forth when the weaver pulled the handle in textile industries. This invention doubled the work a weaver could do in a day, speeding up textile industries forever!
  • The Water Frame

    The Water Frame
    Richard Arkwright invented the water frame in 1768 to produce stronger threads for yarns. It revolutionized and sped- up the textile mills during this time period.
  • The Spinning Mule

    The Spinning Mule
    the spinning mule (1779) was developed by Samuel Crompton, combining the spinning jenny with Richard Arkwright's spinning frame. It was a revolution in the weaving of the time
  • The power Loom

    The power Loom
    The Power Loom was invented by Edmund Cartwright in 1785. It's purpose was to make spinning and weaving faster and easier for textile workers.
  • Jeremy Bentham Jeremy Bentham

    Jeremy Bentham
Jeremy Bentham
    An English philosopher who introduced the philosophy of utilitarianism, which said that people should judge ideas, institutions, and actions on the basis of their ability.
  • The Cotton Gin

    The Cotton Gin
    In 1793, Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin, a machine to speed the chore of removing seeds from raw cotton. It multiplied the amount of cotton that could be cleaned. American cotton production skyrocketed through this invention!
  • Capitalism

    Philosophy led by Adam Smith. He said that money is to be invested in business vultures with the goal of making a profit. Helped to bring about the industrial revolution.
  • Utilitarianism

    Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill were the main men behind this philosophy. They said it was the greatest good for the greatest amount of people.
  • Abolition of Slavery

    Abolition of Slavery
    William Wilberforce led fight for end of slavery in the British Empire. A bill was passed to end trade in British West Indies, and eventually was abolished in 1833 in Britain.
  • Socialism

    Philosophy led by Charles Fourier and Sain-Simon. This said that factors of production are owned by the public and operate for the welfare of all..
  • Cyrus McCormick

    Cyrus McCormick
    He invented the reaper, which boosted American wheat production, leading to increased profit for the country.
  • The Telegraph

    The Telegraph
    Samuel Morse created the telegraph in 1837, it was a device designed to print patterns at a distance. It brought a completely new form of communication to this time period
  • Samuel F.B. Morse

    Samuel F.B. Morse
    The New England painter who first sent electrical signals over a telegraph during the time of the revolution
  • Communism

    Karl Marx and Frederich Engels were the leaders behind this philosophy. Says that all means of productions and profits are to be owned by the people and shared equally.
  • I.M. Singer

    I.M. Singer
    Improved the sewing machine by inventing a foot treadle, a major improvement for all during his time.
  • 1867 Agricutural Gangs Act (Reform)

    1867 Agricutural Gangs Act (Reform)
    Stated that the minimum age for child agricutural employment was 9 years old. This helped in reforming child labor during the revolution.
  • Alexander Bell

    Alexander Bell
    Scottish inventor who patented the world's first telephone. The biggest advancement in the communication world of the time!!
  • The Women's effect

    The Women's effect
    Women activists around the world joined together and found the International Council for Women to earn their equal rights they were looking for during this time.
  • The US

    The US
    The United States experienced a great deak of industrial growth, especially in the Northeast. The US grew in population and wealth with the expantion of corporations. The Industrial Revolution changed the view of the US forever with its inventions and reforms.