1 Jan 1800 - 1 Jan 1918 Russia

  • Period: to


  • Alexander I

    Alexander I
    Inherited the throne in 1801 and was intially open to liberal ideas. He eased censorship and promoted education. Was born on December 23, 1777 and passed away on Apri 30, 1825. Died in the Decemberist revolt
  • Decembrist Revolt

    Decembrist Revolt
    Was led by a group of army officiers who led an uprising known as the Decembrist revolt. Fought Napoleon in West Europe. Broke out against autocracy and serfdom in Senate Square St. Petersburg.
  • Alexander II

    Alexander II
    Came to throne in 1855 during the Crimean war. Liberals demanded changes, and students demonstrated for reforms. Pressed from all side. Agreeed to reforms in 1861, issued a royal degree that required emancipation, or freeing serfs. Setup system of local gov. Elected assemblies, called zemstvos, were made responsible for such matters.
  • Emancipation Manifesto

    Emancipation Manifesto
    Ended serfdom in Russia. It took years for the serfs to get settled
  • March 1881

    March 1881
    A revolutionary group called "The People's Will" assassinated officials and plotted to kill the Czar. Their first attempt wasnt successaful. Then on March 1881 terrorists hurled two bombs at Alexander's carriage. One killed several quards and the other killed the leader known as "Czar Emancipation."
  • Alexander III

    Alexander III
    Alexander responded to the death of his father by using the method of Nicholas I. He wiped out liberals revolutionaries, increasing the power of secret police, restored strict censorship and exiled critcis to Siberia.
  • Pogroms

    Violent mob attacks on Jews, Gangs killed Jews and burned their homes. The police didnt do anything. They became refugees and came to the United States.
  • Russification

    The Czar launched a program of russification aimed a suppressing the cultures of non-Russian peoples in the kingdom. He wanted them to speak the Russian language and for them to be Russian orthodox.
  • Trans-Siberian Railroad

    Began in the 1890s and stretched 5,000 miles from european Russia to the Pacific Ocean. This was done to link iron and coal mines to factories and to transport goods across russia
  • Nicholas II

    Nicholas II
    Last emperor of Russia, son of Alexander III. Thanks to him Russia finally entered the industrial age. He secured foreign capital to invest in transportation system and industry. (1891-1916) Loans from France helped to build the Trans-Siberian Railroad. It was built to connect iron and coal mines, and transport goods across Russia. He got Coronated on May 26, 1896. Nicholas II ruled from 1894 until his abdication on 15 March 1917.
  • Vladimir Ulyanav (Lenin)

    Vladimir Ulyanav (Lenin)
    Used false name “Lenin”. Founder of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Lenin issued the New Economic Policy which was called NEPLeader of 1917 October Revolution( lived from April 22, 1870 to Jan. 21, 1924)
  • War with Japan

    War with Japan
    The war was called Russo-Japanese War.Fought for Faith, the Czar, and Fatherland.Results: Russia faced humiliating defeat, Treaty of PortsmouthRussia is a big country and they lost to little Japan which meant that the ruler isn't as powerful as he thinks.(8 February 1904 – 5 September 1905)
  • Revolution of 1905

    Revolution of 1905
    Strikes multiplied. In some cities workers took over the local government. In the countryisde, peasants revoited and demanded lan. October Manifest: At last, Nicolas II has forced to announce sweeping reforms. He promised freedom of person, conscience, speech, assembly and union. He also agreed to summon duma or elected national legislature. No law would be passed without his approval.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Peaceful demonstrators marching to present a petition to Nicolas II were gunned down. People lost faith & trust in the Czar.Officials recorded 96 dead and 333 injured. Moderate estimates still average around 1,000 killed or wounded, both from shots and trampled during the panic
  • Duma

    Duma which also means elected national legislature, this ensures that no laws willl be passed orthodox the Dumas approval.
  • Peter Stolypin

    Peter Stolypin
    Peaceful demonstrators marching to present a petition to Nicolas II were gunned down. People lost faith & trust in the Czar.Officials recorded 96 dead and 333 injured. Moderate estimates still average around 1,000 killed or wounded, both from shots and trampled during the panic