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0-24 months of child's life.

  • Newborn

    can bring its hands to it mouth
    Kicks and punches when it's exciting.
    Smiles in response to voices and sounds
    Cries for different needs
    Latches onto nipple or bottle
  • 1 month

    is able to be calm while being rocked, touched, and gentle sounds.
    While laying on the back is able to visually track a moving two from side to side
    Turns head to the sound or voice
    Makes eye contact
    The tongue moves back and forth while feeding
  • 2nd month

    while laying on its tummy it can keep its head up
    Enjoys a variety of movements
    Shows interest in faces
    Sucks well during feedings
  • 3rd month

    while on the tummy it can push up on its arms
    Can reach for a toy above their chest while on their back.
  • 4th month

    Uses hands to support self while sitting
    Rolls from back to tummy
  • 5th Month

    While standing with support accepts entire weight with legs
    Reaches for nearby toys while on tummy
    Uses both hands to explore toys
  • 6th Month

    While laying on back reaches both hands to play with feet
    Transfers a toy from one hand to the other while on the back
  • 7th Month

    Sits up without support
    Sits and reaches for toys without falling
    Shows more control when sitting or rolling
  • 8th month

    Moves from tummy or back into sitting
    Starts to move with alternate leg and arm momvents
    Looking at familiar objects and people when named
    Recognizes sound of name
  • 9th month

    Picks up head and pushes through elbows during tummy time
    Turns head to visually track objects
    Imitates sounds
  • 10th Month

    Pulls to stand and crusies along furniture
    Stands alone and takes several independent steps
    Uses mama and dada
  • 11 Month

    Claps hands
    Releases objects into a container with a large opening
    Responds to directions
    Uses thumb and pointer finger to pick up tiny objects
  • 12 Month

    Enjoys listening to songs
    Explores toys with hands fingers and mouth
    Says one or two words
  • 13 Month

    Walks independently
    Squats to pick up toys
  • 14th month

    Stacks objects or blocks
    Has a regular sleep schedule
  • 19 month

    Points to objects of interest
    Turns head in response to name being called
    Able to participate in small groups with other children
  • 20th month

    Usually walks with heel toe pattern and not primarily on toes
    Is able to throw and attempt to catch ball without losing balance
  • 21 months

    Uses at least 50 words
    Names objects and pictures
  • 22 months

    Understands new words quicly
  • 23 months

    Begins to use 2 word phrases
  • 24 months

    Understands action words
    Uses gestures and words in pretend play
    Enjoys stories
    Can walk fully by self.
    Maybe start potting training.