
The Begenning of WWII

  • The Devil is Born

    Adolf Hitler was born today at unknown time. His mother Clara Hitler was going to abort him but a nurse convinced her other wise.
  • Adoil Hitler Proclaimed Dead

    Adolf Hitler's abusive father Adoil Hitler died in the January of 1908.
  • WWI is Over

    World War 1 is over with the defeat of Germany.
  • The Treaty of Versailes

    The Treaty of Versailesis signed and Germany is found pretty helpless with the wages of war put upon them but hey, it will defintaly teach them not to mess with anybody again.
  • Germany Stages Attack on Theirself by Poland

    At 8:00 P.M. Germany puts on their radio a fake emergency call saying Poland is attacking them. It is later found out that Germany sent this message out to start a war
  • Hitler Plans to Attack Poland

    Adolf Hitler has always wanted more power and at 9:00 P.M. it was reported that Hitler was making plans to attack Poland
  • Hitler Proclaims "Attack" from Poland

    Adolf Hitler proclaims that Poland supposedly murdered many Germans that were in Poland and "violated" there country and that the only response is to attack.
  • Britain is Given Rations

    Raitioning starts in Great Britian in 1940
  • Soviets and Finland's Peace Treaty

    Finlan signs the Soviet's peace treaty.
  • Dem Nazis Invade Denmark + Norway.

    Hide your wives hide your kids, cause the nazis are coming and they going to take everything you got! (If your in Denmark or Norway)
  • Nazis Consider World Domination

    The nazis are at it again and invade France, Belguim, Luxemburg, and The Netherlands and yet no one is helping out the good guys. If Germany attacked all their friendly neighbors who do you think their going to attack next pinheads.
  • Holland Surrenders

    Holland gives up to the nazis
  • Marshal Petain Becomes Prime Minister

    Marshall Petain wins the election and is now the Prime Minister of France.
  • Hitler and The Italian Fascist seen Together

    Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini the Italian Fascist are seen together in Munich
  • Hitler goes to Paris

    Hitler takes a visit to Paris and makes a souvinear shop (Cough torture chamber for jews Cough)
  • Hitler is Declared Mean

    Hitler is a jerk.
  • Soviets Takes more Countries

    The Soviets take Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia because they are meanie heads.
  • Operation Sea Lion

    Hitler starts to planOperation Sea Lion
  • German Blitz

    German does a blitz against Great Britain and you can bet they arn't getting together to play football.
  • The Battle of Britian

    at 7:00 The Battle of Britian started with one of the biggest blitzs known to mankind where a whole third of London was anhilated. German bombers came in to Great Britian and started bombing highly populated cities with H.E.s, incendiaries, oil bombs, and doodlebugs. Over 32,000 civilians were killed and 82,000 injured and the battle finaly was over in mid-may 1941
  • Roosevelt Re-elected

    Franklin Roosevelt is re-lected president.