Ww1 overview of the war on the eastern front


  • Battle of Tannenberg

    Earliest battles of WW1, A complete embarrassment for the Russian 2nd army and then the 1st army. Russia tried to enter into Eastern Prussia. Germany held still and attacked back which resulted in 13,873 losses for the german army and a wipe out of anywhere between 122,000 and 170,000 losses for the 1st and 2nd russian army
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    Battle of Sarikamish

    Ottoman attack, Russians defended for a year in Sarikamish. This caused a long drawn-out battle between the two forces, the Russians lost around 16,000 men for combat and the ottomans lost 53,000 in their attacks and had to retreat.
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    The brusilov offensive

    The brusilov offensive was an attack plan to ease the attacks on Verdun and to divide the German Armies into a two front war. The fighting took place for 3 months and 16 days. The Russian Armies attacked Galicia (which is western Ukraine today). The Brusilov offensive was a major success for the Triple entante but it came at the major loss of life. the Russians suffered anywhere from 500,000-1,000,000 troops and anywhere from 760,000 to 1,337,000 casualties
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    Romanian Campaign (1916)

    After quick tactical victories the Romanians had felt a strong resistance and a push from the austro Hungarian armies which had resulted in the Romanian army and government to retreat to Moldova In the two years of fighting Romanians had lost 540,000 troops in combat. Austro Hungarians had the reinforcement of germany. The central powers had lost around 47.000 troops
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    Operation Faustschlag

    Central Powers decided to take advantage of the Russian revolution and subsequent Russian civil war to take Russian territories that include: Parts of western russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Baltic nations this resulted. The death count is unknown.