World War II Time Line-David L

By HowlNOX
  • Adolf Hitler becomes leader of Nazi Party

    Hitler had talked to Germany using his good public speaking this is how he persuaded the Germans to trust him. Hitler said that the Jews were to blame for everything that had happened to Germany.
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    Maginot Line Built

    The Maginot Line was built by the French to keep Germany out of their country. The Maginot line was never actually used to defend against the Germans because the Germans went around it.
  • Japan Seized Manchuria

    Japan attacked Manchuria, China and in a few days captured many places in South Manchuria. The United States saw this as an act of war against China from Japan.
  • Hitler appointed as Chancellor of German Reich

    Franz von Papen is the reason why Hitler was made Chancellor of Germany because he persuaded Hindenburg to do just that. This gave Hitler even more power than he had before he was made Chancellor.
  • Italy Invades Ethiopia

    Italy decided to join Hitler to take over Europe so they chose to invade what is now Ethiopia and used to be Abyssinia. None of the countries in the League of Nations cared about this except for Britain. Now this is considered one of the leading parts to the start of WW2.
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    Neutrality Acts

    United States President, Franklin D. Roosevelt signed a neutrality act to let Europe know that the United states would not be getting involved with European issues unless it became a big problem that would threaten world peace.
  • Hitler Reoccupies the Rhineland

    Hitler rebuilds Germany’s military in the Rhineland which meant that Hitler was breaking the rules in the Treaty of Versailles (which had ended WW1) This lead to Germany claiming Austria and Czechoslovakia as their own and then invading Poland.
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    1936-1939 (July - April) Spanish Civil War

    The right-wing military officers of Spain began a revolt against the leftist government in Morocco. The right-wing didn’t like the ideas of the leftist government and within three days they conquered Morocco and many Northern areas of Spain.
  • Anschluss (incorporate idea of Lebensraum)

    Hitler wants to become a Anschluss with Austria which means that he wanted to become allies with Austria. Hitler forced Austria and Germany to become allies because Austria is where Hitler had grown up.
  • Evian Conference

    United States President, Franklin D. Roosevelt came up with the Evian Conference for countries that would want to take in the Jewish refugees. It was unsuccessful because none of the countries wanted to take them