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Hitler's path to power in Germany.

  • Period: to

    How did the Nazi movement develop between 1919 and 1929?

  • Weimar Republic is forced to accept the harsh Treaty of Versailles.

    Weimar Republic is forced to accept the harsh Treaty of Versailles.
  • Hitler joined German workers party

    Hitler had been a spy for the government looking at outer government parties, he was keen on this party and was asked to join in September 1919
  • Nazi Party

    Nazi Party
    Name was changed to National Socialist German Workers party (Nazi) so that it appealed to a broader range of German Citizens.
  • 25 Points

    This speech, Hitler spoke about twenty-five points of the German Worker's Party. Some were to abolish treaty of Versailles, a Greater Germany, Eastern expansion, exclusion of Jews from citizenship.
  • Hitler became the Führer of NADSP

    Hitler became the Führer of NADSP
    Hitler resigned from the Nazi Party. Hitler had traveled to Berlin in the summer to visit nationalist groups. During his absence the party’s executive committee led by Anton Drexler, who now considered Hitler to be overbearing, formed an alliance with a group of socialists from Augsburg. Hitler rushed back to Munich and countered them by announcing he would return only on the condition that he was made chairman and given dictatorial powers.
  • Adolf Hitler identified with Christianity and vilified the Jews

    In a speech in Munich, Adolf Hitler identified with Christianity and vilified the Jews
  • Germany stop making reparations

    Germany stopped making its reparations to the Allies. France and Belgium invaded and occupy the Ruhr area.
  • Munich Putsch (Beer Hall Putsch)

    Munich Putsch (Beer Hall Putsch)
    This was an attempted revolution that failed miserably. Hitler interupted a goverment meeting saying he was going to take over. Nazi storm troopers began taking over official buildings but were soon stopped by the police that killed around 16 Nazis. Hitler was arrested
  • Hitler In jail after Putsch

    Hitler In jail after Putsch
    It was meant to be a life sentance charged 5 years of which he served 9 months in this time he wrote Mein kampf (soon besteller) and decided to gain power legall
  • Nazi Party starts power

    Nazi Party starts power
    Nazi gained 32 seats in Reichstag continue to increse supporters by appealing to workers however this group was oalrwady represented by various parys eg SPD. So they tergetted peasant farmers and middle class shop owners.
  • March in Luitpoldhain

    A march of approximately 20,000 Nazis was held along the Luitpoldhain. The march culminated with the dedication of banners, a ceremony attended by approximately 40,000 where new flags would be touched by the Blutfahne - the Blood flag was used in the attempted Nazi Beer Hall Putsch in Munich, Germany on November 9, 1923.
  • SS

    Upon the resignation of Schutzstaffel commander Erhard Heiden, Heinrich Himmler was appointed Reichsführer-SS of the Nazi Party by Adolf Hitler.
    Reichsführer was, at that time, simply a title for the National Commander of the SS. At this time the SS totaled 280 men, was subordinate to the SA and had two major functions: to serve as bodyguards for Hitler and other Nazi leaders.
  • Period: to

    How far did the circumstances of 1929-33 open the way for Hitler's rise to power?

  • Was the SA entirely loyal to Hitler under the Führerprinzip, or not?

    Hitler talked to Berlin commandant of the Sturmabteilung (SA) and to groups of SA urging them to follow his leadership. He redefined the issue of their demands in different and simpler terms: Was the SA entirely loyal to Hitler under the Führerprinzip, or not?
    The SA were demanding in particular that the SA receive three ballot slots in the upcoming election, more money for the SA and more political power in the movement.
  • Supreme Leader of the SA and SS.

    Hitler convened a meeting of approximately 2,000 Sturmabteilung (SA) and announced he was personally taking over as Supreme Leader of the SA and SS.
  • The Election

    The second round runoff election for the office of Reich President was held. The incumbent President, Paul von Hindenburg, first elected in 1925, was re-elected to a second seven-year term of office. Hindenburg, running as an independent polled 53% of the vote. His major challengers were Adolf Hitler of the Nazi Party with 36.8% and Ernst Thälmann of the Communist Party with 10.2%.
  • Hindenburg rejected Hitler’s demand to be made Chancellor. Hitler had refused to take any other post in the cabinet of Franz von Papen.

    As there was no majority in the Reichstag for any government the Reichstag would be dissolved and new elections held.
  • Federal Elections

    Federal elections were held in Germany. They results saw a significant drop for the Nazi Party and increases for the Communists and the national conservative German National People's Party. The results were a great disappointment for the Nazis, who once more emerged as the largest party with 33% of the vote but not enough to form a government coalition in the Reichstag parliament.
  • Reich Chancellor Franz von Papen resigned submitted his resignation to Reich President Paul von Hindenburg.

    The resignation was accepted pending the appointment of a successor. von Papen had been trying to form a coalition government with Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party but deemed Hitler's demands unacceptable.
  • Reich President Paul von Hindenburg again rejected Nazi leader Adolf Hitler's demand for the German Chancellorship.

    Hindenburg reasoned that the powers Hitler insisted on would transform the Chancellorship into a dictatorship.
  • Hitler was summoned to head a government with von Papen as his diputy

    von Papen - would be able to push Hitler 'into a corner'.
    Hindenburg - had a little idea as to what the consequences of his action would be.
    Hitler - clear about where he is going
  • Hitler called for immediate election and mounted another massive propaganda campaign.

    He was helped by the Reichstag, which gave him an excuse to blame the communists and ask Hindenbrug to issue an emergancy decree.
  • The Enabling Act was passed with only 94% SPD members voting against it

    The Reichstag met in the Kroll Opera House in Berlin to consider passing Hitler's Enabling Act. On the day of the vote, storm troopers lined the hallways of the house where the vote would take place to intimidate anyone who might vote against Chancellor Adolf Hitler's measure and "Full powers, or else! We want the bill, or fire and murder!" Prior to the vote Hitler gave a lengthy speech. After the speech the Reichstag voted and Hitler secured the votes needed to pass the measure. Deputies from t