World War 2 Timeline

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Germany lost WW1, Victorious Allies punshed Germany in the Treaty of Versailles. Germany was forced to pay reparations and was disarmed.Hitler rises to power using emotional and captivating speeches.
  • (Month and Day not correct) Failed Coup

    Hitler attempts an armed coup of local authorities in Munich. Known as the Beer Hall Putsch. Hitler jailed and charged with high treason. He used his trial to persuade the court and gain support for him, and only served one of his 5 year sentence.
  • (Month and Day not correct) Mein Kampf

    While in prison, Hitler wrote volume one of Mein Kampf, or My Struggle. His novel included his radical ideas of German nationalism and anti-semitism, and anti-Bolshevism.
    Nazi Party began building a mass movement. in just four years, (1925-1929) the party grew from 27k members to 108k members. Started different groups to slowly build up their power within Germany, such as propaganda, their own police force, and youth recruitment groups.
  • (Month and Day not correct) The Great Depression.

    The Great Depression began in 1929 and impacted the world economically. By 1932 Unemployment double in German from 3 million to 6 million, proving the Weimar democracy could not cope with the national despair.
    Opening up an opportunity for Hindenburg to create a new government made up of a chancellor and cabinet ministers.
  • Hindenburg Wins Election Again

    By spring of 1932, Hindenburg had won the election. SA Brownshirts 400,000 strong, were a part of daily street violence in germany. Econmoy still in a crisis, German leaders engulfed in a serious of desperate political maneuverings.
  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor

    President Hindenburg appoints Hitler Chancellor on January 30th, 1933. Within months the Dachau concentration camp was created. The nazis began arresting any leaders or memebers of parties of their opponents. Dachau became a training center for concentration camp guards and later commandants were taught tactics to dehumanize prisoner. Parliamentary democracy ended with the Reichstag passage of the Enabling Act, which allowed the government to issue laws without the Reichstag.
  • Special Courts

    Nazis created special courts to punish politcal dissent. Eventually passed laws that stopped Jews from obtaining jobs in civil service, legal or medical professions, and in teaching/ university positions. Nazis encouraged boycotts of Jewish goods and stores. They began burning books that were written by jews and other books not approved by the Reich.
  • Hindenburg Dies

    Hindenburg dies on August 2nd, 1934. Hitler combines offices of Reich Chancellor and President. Declaring himself Reichsfuhrer (Leader of the Reich)
  • Nuremberg Laws (Month and Day not correct)

    Hitler announces Nuremberg Laws in 1935, These alws stripped Jews of their civil rights as German citizens and separated them from Germans leggaly, socially and politically. Jews defined as a separate race under "The law for the Protectiong of German Blood and Honor". Being Jewish was determined by ancestory. Not religion.
    These laws forbade marriages or sexual relations between Jews and Germans. Hitler warned he would turn to a "final solution" if these laws did not solve the problem.
  • Berlin Hosts Olympics

    Hitler saw this as a perfect opportunity to promote a favorable image of Nazism to the world. In march of 1936, Nazi troops occupy the Rhineland.
  • The Invasion Begins

    in March 1938, Hitler began on a quest to unite all German speaking people. He invaded and Austria and conquered due to the free will of the people. No countries stopped this violation of the Treaties of Versailles.
    Hitler wanted the Sudetenland, containing 3 million German sepaking people. He met with Bristish Prime Minister and demanded the territory or he would go to war.
    At the Munich Conference, Hitler prevailed upon Britain France and Italy to agree to his demands. Western powers agreed.
  • Germany Occupied The Sudentenland on October 15th, 1938

  • Kristallnacht

    In Germany, Kristallnacht was a free for all against Jews, Nearly 1,000 synagogues were set on fire and 76 were destroyed,
    7,000 Jewish businesses and jomes were looted. about one hundred jews were killed and nearly 30,000 Jews arrested and sent to concentration camps.
    Within days, Nazis forced Jews to transfer businesses to Aryan hands and expelled all Jewish pupils form public schools.
  • Non-Aggression Pact

    August 1st, 1939, Nazi Foreign Minister signs a Non-Aggression Pact with the Soviet Union.
    On September 1st, 1939 Hitler inaveded Poland, officically starting WW2. Two days later, Britain and France obliged by the treaty, declared war on Germany.