
World War 1 Timeline

  • Creation of Triple Alliance

    Creation of Triple Alliance
    Triple Alliance - The alliance formed by Germany, Italy, and Austria Hungary. The Triple Alliance was a key organization in WWI as they were on of the fighting sides in the war. Otto Van Bismark used Germany at the time for war and opposed the French the most. They united with more allies like Austira-Hungary to make themselves stronger. Italy joined this dual alliance in 1882 to make the Triple Alliance.
  • Kaiser Wilhelm II

    Kaiser Wilhelm II
    The new emperor of Germany, Kaiser Wilhelm wanted all control of the country. To achieve this he had to make the chancelor, Bismark step down and resign from his spot. This gave Wilhelm the full control of Germany and would allow him to lead the country to war. This event was one of the steps that lead to WWI as Germany would declare war against many countries in the war and bringing in countries like France and the UK into the war.
  • Period: to

    France and Russia's alliance

    In 1890 after Wilhelm had taken over all power of Germany, he let Germany's treaty with Russia go. The Russians didn't take kindly to this and formed a defensive alliance with the French in 1892 and 1894. This was what Bismarck had been trying to avoid as too lessen the eneies of Germany. This was very important in the war as this gave Germany more enemies and would lead to the creation of the triple entente.
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    Militariasm and European race for Arms

    Militarism - The policy of glorifying military power and keeping an army prepared for war Europe in the 20th century raced to imrpove weapons and to help them win wars and show power. Imperialism was a main cuase for this as more countries wanted land and trading rights, so war was a way to achieve this. By 1914, every big European country (except Britan) had a large army ready for war at any time. Countries were all focused on militarism so that they could defend themselves.
  • Formation of the Triple Entente

    Formation of the Triple Entente
    Triple Enetente - The alliance of Great Britan, France, and Russia. Germany started mass producing battleships in 1907 which alarmed Great Britan as the Germany as a threat. Great Britan wanted to make sure that they could keep Germany under control by forming an alliance with both France and Russia. Both countries agreed to the alliance and were soon known as the Triple Entente. This was an important event leading to WWI as alliances made all the countries jump into the war.
  • Austria Annexes More Land

    Austria Annexes More Land
    In 1908 the Austria-Hungarian empire annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina. This made the Serbian leaders amde as there were large populations of Serbs in both of the countries that Austria-Hungary took over. With this single move the Austria-Hungarian empire made a new enemy out of the Serbians as they would try to take back those two countries from them. This was an important event leading up to the war as now the powderkeg would go off and war would be declared pullinging in many countries.
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    The archduke's death was plotted by a group of Serbian radicals called the black hand. On the 28 of June in 1914, the archduke took a ride through Sarejova, the capital of Bosnia, with his wife. The black hand positioned themselves around the path that the duke would follow and prepared to murder him. All of the black hands attempts failed until the duke's car took a wrong turn where Gavrillo Princip shot him. This enraged Austria-Hungary and gave Serbia an ultimatam of demands or war.
  • Declarations of War

    Declarations of War
    On July 28, 1914, Austria refused to accept Serbia's offers to make right for the assassination and declared war on Serbia. This caused Russia, Serbia's ally, to join in on Serbia's side and mobalize troops to the Austrian borders. Many countries in Europe including, Britan, Germany, and Italy tried to convince Austria and Russia to negotiate but they refused and the war was set in motion.
  • Central Powers and Alied Powers

    Central Powers and Alied Powers
    The battle lines are drawn as all major powers take side as the war breaks out. The central powers oppose the allied powers with all countries having different goals. Overall the Central Powers would go on to lose but not after both sides had lost many men. Allied Powers: Breat Britan, France, and Rusia (Italy joins)
    Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire joins and Italy left.
  • Great Britan Joins

    Great Britan Joins
    Great Britan was angered at Germany by the Schleffin plan as they invaded through the neautral country of Belgium. Britan wanted Belgium to stay neautral and had to help France in the battle of Somme so Britan joined in. In july, 1916 Britan send troops to join the french northwest of Verdun. This allowed the French to hold out but through it was the deadliest battle in the war as millions died in just those battles. This was important as now the allied powers showed their strength.