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World Hunger

  • WhyHunger

    Harry Chapin and Bill Ayers founded WhyHunger in 1975. As two musicians, they found that World Hunger could be conquered in this abundant world of food. This commitment has turned into one of the biggest non-profitable foundations for hunger and poverty.
  • DinoPals

    This link will take you to a children's book that you can flip through electronically. It is dinosaurs that tell children how they can help the people who are malnourished. It is bright and colorful to Cath the reader's attention.
  • The Burrito Project

    The Burrito Project
    The Burrito Project was founded in 2009. It started in Los Angeles, California to feed the homeless and low income and has grown tremendously over the years. In the video, you will see that helping one person can make a difference.
  • Interacting Kids

    Interacting Kids
    This video was found on a website to show children the issue with World Hunger. It is two different children living in the same country with two totally different lifestyles. You can turn this video into a discussion with the kids to make them understand the issue.
  • World Hunger Day Activities for Kids

    World Hunger Day Activities for Kids
    This link will take parents to a website where they can interact their kids with World Hunger Day! There are multiple activities such as movie collection nights, making collages, and more!
  • World Child Hunger Facts

    World Child Hunger Facts
    This link allows for children to see how children their own ages are affected by World Hunger every day. It puts it into perspective for them and gets them motivated to make a change. Without kids, our future cannot be changed.
  • Quiz Fun

    Quiz Fun
    Let your kiddos take this quiz! For every quiz completed a donation is made to multiple organizations that help solve World Hunger. The donation may only range from $0.02 to $0.10, but anything helps for those who are living on $1.25 a day.
  • FreeRice

    This website is an educational component that all teachers can use free. Kids answer different questions and for every question correct, 5 grains of rice are donated to the UN World Food Program that fights World Hunger.
  • Food vs. Personality

    Food vs. Personality
    Buzzfeed never disappoints with fun quizzes. this may not make a donation directly, but wouldn't it be fun to see what food your personality matches? Once you find out, maybe as a family you can each donate the type of food that it tells you or even donate how much money it would all cost total!
  • KIDS

    This website allows educators and children to collaborate to use technology to help those hungry. KIDS is one of the top non-profitable organizations in the country. This website allows you to even see what other kids' thoughts are on the world topic.