World History A: Final Project

  • 476

    The Fall of Rome, 476 A.D.

    The Fall of Rome, 476 A.D.
    -Germnic chief Odoacer captured Rome and forced the emperor to give up the throne
    -Odoacer then proclaimed himself king of Italy
    -Caused by a series of political, economic, and social problems that gradually destroyed the strength of the Roman Empire
    -The effect was the gradual decline in the unity of the Western and Eastern Roman Empires
    -I chose this because it was the end of one of the longest lasting empires in history
  • 499

    The Persian War, 499 B.C. - 449 B.C.

    The Persian War, 499 B.C. - 449 B.C.
    -Greek City-state of Miletus revolted against Persian rule in 499 B.C.
    -Series of conflicts began between the Achaemenid empire of Persia and the Greek city-states
    -Caused by the desire of the Greeks to be free from Persian rule
    -Effects were that the Persians never invaded mainland Greece again and Athens became the leader of Greece
    - I chose this because of the famous battles during the war, like the battle of Marathon, which is why todays marathons are 26.2 miles
  • 509

    The Conquest of Italy, 509 B.C - 264 B.C.

    The Conquest of Italy, 509 B.C - 264 B.C.
    -Series of conflicts in which the city-state of Rome fought for control of central Italy
    - Conflict lasted 200 years
    -Was part of the overall expansion of Rome
    -Caused by the Romans desire for sumpremacy in the Mediterranean world
    -Effects of their conquest included more roads to connect Rome to other Italian cities which allowed troops to move quickly and encouraged trade that helped unify Italy.
    - I chose this because it was the most important conquest for the expansion of Rome
  • Jan 1, 1250

    The Trojan War, 1250 B.C.

    The Trojan War, 1250 B.C.
    -10 year war between the Archaeans and the city of Troy
    -Famous for the Trojan Horse, a horse constructed by the Archaeans as a way to get inside Troy
    -Was thought to be a fictious war that was created by Homer, a Greek poet, in the Illiad and Odyssey
    -Caused by the kidnapping of Helen, wife of the King of Sparta, by Paris, a Trojan Prince
    -The effect was the fall of the city of Troy and the exile of Trojans
    -I chose this event because I like the story of the Trojan Horse.
  • The English Civil War, 1642 - 1649

    The English Civil War, 1642 - 1649
    -Series of conflicts between Parliamentarians and Royalists in the Kingdom of England
    -Pitted the supporters of King Charles I against the supporters of the Long Parliament
    -Ended with the Parliamentarian victory at the Battle of Worcester in 1651
    -Caused mainly by religion, it was part of a Europe wide conflict between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism
    -Effect was the development of the military and the economy and promoted the development of capitalism
  • The American Revolution, 1765 - 1783

    The American Revolution, 1765 - 1783
    -Political upheaval between 1765 and 1783 during which colonists in the Thirteen American Colonies rejected the British monarchy and aristocracy, overthrew the authority of Great Britain, and founded the United States of America
    -Caused by many events like the Boston Tea Party, the Intolerable Acts and The Battles of Lexington and Concord
    -Effect was the independance of the 13 states from Great Britian, later forming the United States
    -I chose this because this was the founding of the US
  • The March of Versailles, 1789

    The March of Versailles, 1789
    -One of the earliest and most significant events of the French Revolution
    -Began among women in the marketplaces of Paris who were near rioting over the high price and scarcity of bread
    -Caused by the upset over the price and scarcity of bread, intertwined with the activities of the revolutionists during the French Revolution
    -Effects were an end to the King's independance and signified the power of reforms about to overtake France
    -I chose this because it shows the power of the people
  • The National Convention, 1792 -1795

    The National Convention, 1792 -1795
    -Single-chamber assembly in France during the French Revolution
    -The Legislative Assembly decreed the provisional suspension of King Louis XVI and the convocation of a National Convention which was to draw up a constitution
    -Caused by the desire of the poeple to have a democratic constition, free of classism
    -Effect was the development of the First Republic
    I chose this event because of it's importance in the history of France
  • The Rise of Labor Unions,

    The Rise of Labor Unions,
    -The abundance of laborers available for unskilled factory jobs made individual workers expendable and led to decreased wages
    -Health and safety conditions in the workplace were poor and workers had limited recourse
    -Workers began to unite and form unions to protect thier rights
    -Caused by the abuse of workers from companies for greed
    -Effect paved the way to initiate laws and regulations that protect all workers in all work envornments
    -I cho
  • The Abolition of the Slave Trade, 1807

    The Abolition of the Slave Trade, 1807
    -Europeans called to end slave trade and slavery in the early 1800's
    -Took 50 years for all European nations to officially end slavery
    -Illegal slavery continued due to the high profits of the slave-gun cycle
    -Caused by a change in economic interests, resistance by the enslaved people, parlimentary reform and religious groups
    -Effect was the freedom of slaves and the end of the slave trade
    -I chose this because it is a key point in history for African Americans
  • The Metterich System, 1814

    The Metterich System, 1814
    -Also known as the Congress System after the Congress of Vienna
    -Was the balance of power that existed in Europe from the end of the Napoleonic Wars to the outbreak of World War I
    -Caused by the need for diplomatic solutions between great powers without the use of violence
    --Effects were that it was initially successful, but eventually unraveled due to disagreements between the countries
    -I chose this because I liked the idea of finding solutions without violence
  • The unification of italy

    The unification of italy
    Italian unification was the political and social movement that consolidated different states of the Italian peninsula into the single state of the Kingdom of Italy in the 19th century. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the Roman province of Italy remained united under the Ostrogothic Kingdom and later disputed between the Kingdom of the Lombards and the Byzantine Empire. Following conquest by the Frankish Empire, the title of King of Italy merged with the office of Holy Roman Emperor b
  • The Unification of Germany, 1815 - 1871

    The Unification of Germany, 1815 - 1871
    -Series of both coflicts and alliances that united the German states
    -Formal unification of Germany into a politically and administratively integrated nation state officially occurred on 18 January 1871 at the Versailles Palace's Hall of Mirrors in France
    -Caused by the states of Germany wanting to unite as one
    -Effect was the unification of states of Germany
    -I chose this event because of its importance in German history
  • The Revolution of 1830

    The Revolution of 1830
    -Saw the overthrow of King Charles X, the French Bourbon monarch, and the ascent of his cousin Louis-Philippe, Duke of Orléans
    -It marked the shift from one constitutional monarchy, the Bourbon Restoration, to another, the July Monarchy
    -Caused by upset over the countries economic development, desire for economic and policial reforms
    -Effects were a formation of a group called the Young Germans, who demanded political actions for republic ideas
    -I chose this because it was an important part of F
  • The Reform Bill of 1832

    The Reform Bill of 1832
    -Act of Parliament which introduced wide-ranging changes to the electoral system of England and Wales
    -The Act was designed to help represent all people in voting, yet only empowered a few
    -Caused by a struggle between the working class and parliment
    -Effect was a disappointment to the working class because it had little effect on their lives, however it paved the way for more reform later on
    -Chosen because it was an important first step in voting equality
  • The Opium War, 1839 - 1842

    The Opium War, 1839 - 1842
    -Was fought between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the Qing Empire over their conflicting viewpoints on diplomatic relations, trade, and the administration of justice for foreign nationals
    -Caused by a trade imbalance between the Chinese and the Europeans
    -Effect was it opened China up to foreign trade for the first time, but also threatened the stability of the Manchu government and made China a center for illegal activity
    -I chose this event because of ita lasting impact
  • Invention of the Internal Combustion Engine

    Invention of the Internal Combustion Engine
    -Expansion of the high-temperature and high-pressure gases produced by combustion apply direct force to some component of the engine
    -The force is applied typically to pistons, turbine blades, rotor or a nozzle. This force moves the component over a distance, transforming chemical energy into useful mechanical energy
    -Caused by the need to better, stonger and cheaper ways to produce power for a variety of applications
    -Effect was a complete revolution in the way we power things
  • The Origin of Species, 1859

    The Origin of Species, 1859
    -Work of scientific literature by Charles Darwin which is considered to be the foundation of evolutionary biology
    -Introduced the scientific theory that populations evolve over the course of generations through a process of natural selection.
    -Caused by Darwin's desire to discover scientific evidence of the creation of man
    -Effect was one of the most important biological books ever written, changed how man viewed his existence
    -I chose this because of the global impact his book has had
  • The Age of Imperialism, 1870

    The Age of Imperialism, 1870
    -Generally refers to the activities of nations such as the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States in the mid 19th through the middle 20th centuries
    -Caused by larger and more powerful countries wanting to expand thier own power over smaller countries
    -Effects were mainly negative, larger countries used the smaller countries for cheap labor instead of colonizing them
    -I chose this because it's something that still goes on today, larger countries dominating small ones
  • The Dreyfuss Affair, 1894 - 1906

    The Dreyfuss Affair, 1894 - 1906
    -Began in 1894, with treason conviction of Captain Alfred Dreyfus, a young French artillery officer of Alsatian and Jewish descent
    -Sentenced to life imprisonment for allegedly communicating French military secrets to the German Embassy in Paris
    -Divided France until it was resolved in 1906
    -Caused by the question of innocence or guilt of suspected treasonist
    -Effect was an impact on the consciousness of the French nation
    -Chosen because the decision of guilt or innocence is still a problem toda
  • The Revolution of 1911, 1911 - 1912

    The Revolution of 1911, 1911 - 1912
    -Revolution that overthrew China's last imperial dynasty (the Qing dynasty), and established the Republic of China
    -The revolution was named Xinhai (Hsin-hai) because it occurred in 1911, the year of the Xinhai stem-branch in the sexagenary cycle of the Chinese calendar
    -Caused by Political, Social and economic, Ideological and military factors
    -Effects were marked the end of over 2 millennium of China's imperial rule and the beginning of a republican era
    -Chosen for historical signficance
  • The Rise of Julius Caesar, 60 B.C.

    The Rise of Julius Caesar, 60 B.C.
    -Rose to power by forging an alliance with another general, Pompey, and a wealthy patrician, Crassus
    -Played a critical role in the events that led to the demise of the Roman republic and the rise of the Roman empire
    -Later became dictator
    -Caused by his popularity and alliance with Pompey
    -Effects were reduction in unemployment, construction of the harbor Ostia and construction of new Senate buildings
    -I chose this because of his impact on history