Will Pease Unit 3 Timeline

By wpease1
  • Montesquieu publishes book, On the Spirit of Laws

    Montesquieu publishes book, On the Spirit of Laws
    This was important because the book really got the enlightenment ideas out there.
  • America declares independence

    America declares independence
    Obviosuly very important, as it creates one of the most powerful modern countries
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    Very important event, because it complete changed how the country worked and thought. Also sparked the rise of Napoleon.
  • Napoleon overthrows the Directory through a coup d’etat

    Napoleon overthrows the Directory through a coup d’etat
    Changed France for ever, Napoleon was one of the most powerful rulers ever
  • Napoleon crowns himself emperor, begins to create a vast European Empire

    Napoleon crowns himself emperor, begins to create a vast European Empire
    Napoleon went on to create one of the strongest empires ever
  • Haiti wins freedom from France

    Haiti wins freedom from France
    Another important event, the Haiti revolution was one of the first major slave revolutions
  • Padre Hidalgo calls for Mexican Independence

    Padre Hidalgo calls for Mexican Independence
    He was very important as his words sparked the Mexican revolution
  • Napoleon is defeated at the Battle of Waterloo

    Napoleon is defeated at the Battle of Waterloo
    This was very important as it marked the downfall of the french empire