Important Events of Civilization

  • 10,000 BCE


    One of the first technological advances that would help found the start of Civilization is the cultivation of plants. This would help give rise to settlements that would later become centers of new trades and cultures.
  • 8000 BCE

    First Towns. First Religions

    First Towns. First Religions
    With the first town of Jericho established, it was only a matter of time till religion would start to flourish. While it is not fully know what they believed. It is know that their religions revolved around fertility and death.
  • 3000 BCE

    To Read and to Write

    To Read and to Write
    The early Mesopotamians brought into the world the first systems of writing called cuneiform. This system was mainly used to keep tax records, but was still one of the greatest technologies every invented. It would not only increase the speed of humans knowledge, but help spread religion as well.
  • 3000 BCE

    First Bronze, Then Greeks

    First Bronze, Then Greeks
    With the beginning of the Bronze age, two of the first Greek civilizations arose. The Minoans and the Mycenaeans. We understand the importance of these civilizations as they would later bring forth some of the greatest/first philosophers.
  • 2680 BCE

    Old Kingdom

    Old Kingdom
    The start of Egypt as a powerful nation which would later be called the Old Kingdom. In this period the great Pyramids would be built. During this period, Egyptian fairness and justice were regarded as major ethical imperatives. Some of the first ideal of how people should be treated.
  • 1792 BCE

    Hammurabi Code

    Hammurabi Code
    While Hammurabi was not the first to bring most of Mesopotamia together, he was one of the first to have written laws of fairness. The Hammurabi Code was the first steps in the direction of law and order. Its best know for its "Eye for and Eye" law.
  • 1650 BCE

    Hyksos Dynisty

    Hyksos Dynisty
    The Hyksos was a group of Canaanites in lower Egypt. Through their mastery of bronze they helped make Egypt a powerful military force, Egypt was so powerful that they were even able to control some of Mesopotamia, causing the vast spread of advancements and culture.
  • 1300 BCE

    Phoenicians Alphabet

    Phoenicians Alphabet
    Building of of the earlier works of the Canaanites, the phoneticians would create a syllabic alphabet that would later form the basis of Greek and Roman writing. This was an important step from hieroglyphs as it made reading and write more available for everybody instead of just scribes.
  • 621 BCE

    The Torah

    The Torah
    The Judean King Josiah commissioned the first books of the Hebrew Bible. This was a great advancement in the line of religion. Now where the people went they could bring their religious text with them instead of having to go to a temple. Many later religions like Christianity would use a similar method.
  • 880

    The Assyrians Communication

    The Assyrians Communication
    While the most notable thing of the Assyrians was their great conquest of Mesopotamia and Egypt, it mustn't be overlooked their effective communication methods. They were one of the first civilization that had a messaging service. Through the use of horses the empire had a communications network that was unrivaled at the time. This would help set a precedent for future conquers like Alexander the Great.