
Western Art History Timeline

By gwynn
  • 37,000 BCE

    El Castillo Cave Paintings : Prehistoric (40800 - 37000 BCE)

    El Castillo Cave Paintings : Prehistoric (40800 - 37000 BCE)
    Figurative art was found in the cave of El Castillo, Spain. The rock paintings consist of figurative paintings of animals such as the red mammoth and abstract art including about 40 red ochre hand stencils grouped in an area on the rock.
  • 30,000 BCE

    Women of Willendorf : Prehistoric, Upper Paleolithic (28000 - 25000 BCE)

    Women of Willendorf : Prehistoric, Upper Paleolithic (28000 - 25000 BCE)
    The Women of Willendorf sculpture is one of the earliest images of humans, she is a female figure and was found in the present day town of Willendorf, Austia. This mobiliary art piece is also significant because it shows evidence that nomatic societies likely practiced religion, politics, had set beliefs, etc.
  • 27,500 BCE

    Apollo 11 Cave : Prehistoric (27500 - 25500 BCE)

    Apollo 11 Cave : Prehistoric (27500 - 25500 BCE)
    In the Apollo 11 Cave, Namibia Africa, archaeologist uncovered seven quartzite slabs with images of animals drawn with charcoal. They are the oldest dated rock art in Africa. Out of the seven drawings some consist of a feline cat with human hind legs, a zebra with unusually long legs and a possible a rhinoceros.
  • 6000 BCE

    'Ain Ghazal Statues : Ancient Mesopotamia (7200 - 6500 BCE)

    'Ain Ghazal Statues : Ancient Mesopotamia (7200 - 6500 BCE)
    Found in Ayn Ghazal in Jordan, the 'Ain Ghazal Statues are believed to represent the ancestors of those in the neolithic village, but their purpose remains uncertain. Some of the busts are two-headed and all of the heads are modeled with wide-open eyes using bitumen-outlined white irises.
  • Period: 4400 BCE to

    Western Art History

    Western Art History
  • 3000 BCE

    Palette Of Narmer : Ancient Egypt (3200 - 3000 BCE)

    Palette Of Narmer : Ancient Egypt (3200 - 3000 BCE)
    The Palette of Narmer was a valued piece at its time in Egypt and was used as a ritual object with cerimonial purposes. It depicts king of Egypt, Narmer who is wearing the crown of upper and the crown of lower Egypt on opposite sides of the palette. The registers depict unification of Egypt under one ruler. This representation of unification between upper and lower Egypt is unique to this piece as this is the only found example of one king sporting both crowns.
  • 2350 BCE

    Tell Asmar Hoard Statues : Ancient Mesopotamia (2900 - 2350 BCE)

    Tell Asmar Hoard Statues : Ancient Mesopotamia (2900 - 2350 BCE)
    Tell Asmar Hoard Statues consist of twelve statues created for temples and religious purposes in Mesopotamia (present day Iraq). The statues are believed to embody the worshipper and their spirit would be present at the temple when their physical body was not. The sculptures were styled in a geometric way with abstract shapes forming their bodies
  • 2000 BCE

    Stonehenge : Prehistoric (3000 - 2000 BCE)

    Stonehenge : Prehistoric (3000 - 2000 BCE)
    The Stonehenge is a megalithic monument located on a grassy plain in England still standing where it was first constructed. At it's time of creation, Stonehenge has always been a burial site for many neolithic people as some of the buried individuals were from other regions as far as the Mediterranean Sea. It is believed that Stonehenge was a multifunctional site where rituals were performed, a place where people congregated, and used for ancestory worship as well.
  • 1600 BCE

    Egyptian Painted Wooden Tomb Models : Ancient Egypt (2130 - 1784 BCE)

    Egyptian Painted Wooden Tomb Models : Ancient	Egypt (2130 - 1784 BCE)
    Egyptian painted wooden models of elite deceased figures and other figures overseeing the counting of cattle were found in and around tomb sites. Made of wood and metal statuary, the models required skilled artistry as the arms could be extended and hold separate objects creating a more realistic appearance. Statuettes of lower status people displayed a wide range of possible actions that always benefited the elite model in the scene.
  • 1400 BCE

    Bull-Leaping Fresco from the palace at Knossos : Ancient Greek (1450 - 1400 BCE)

    Bull-Leaping Fresco from the palace at Knossos : Ancient Greek (1450 - 1400 BCE)
    Created out of painted stucco relief, this scene depicts a subject holding and jumping over a bull as two other figures are on either side of the bull.
  • 1350 BCE

    Head of a daughter of Akhenaten : Ancient Egypt (1350 BCE)

    Head of a daughter of Akhenaten : Ancient Egypt (1350 BCE)
    This is a sculpture of the female Egyptian pharaoh, Akhenaten. The elongated head, neck, and face are common features seen when depicting males in Egyptian art, but Akhenaten is an exception as she was a respected powerful ruler.
  • 500 BCE

    Sculpture of a Fallen Trojan Warrior From the West Pediment of the Temple of Aphaia II : Ancient Greek (510 - 500 BCE)

    Sculpture of a Fallen Trojan Warrior From the West Pediment of the Temple of Aphaia II : Ancient Greek (510 - 500 BCE)
    The sculpture set together depict the war of Troy. This soldier in particular wears the archaic smile.
  • 450 BCE

    The Riace Warriors : Ancient Greek (460 - 450 AD)

    The Riace Warriors : Ancient Greek (460 - 450 AD)
    Created to represent a highly exaturated depictions of male Greeks, the Riace Warriors are made from casting bronze.
  • 218 BCE

    Stele of Naram-Sin : Ancient Mesopotamia (254 - 218 BCE)

    Stele of Naram-Sin : Ancient Mesopotamia (254 - 218 BCE)
    This piece commemorates the ruler Naram-Sin in a more dynamic depiction then previous human art. The ruler Naram-Sin is depicted wearing a big helmet that has animal bull horns on the sides, this represents how he is seen as a god with just as much power. He is the tallest depicted figure in the scene showing hierarchy scale, signifying power. Some figures are looking up to him as a god, another is running away in composite view as his head and body are facing opposite directions.
  • 50

    Blacas Cameo : Ancient Roman (20 - 50 AD)

    Blacas Cameo : Ancient Roman (20 - 50 AD)
    This cameo, an engraved gem, was a piece of jewelry depicting the profile of the Roman emperor Augustus. This piece is believed to have been made shortly after his death. This is an important piece as it was meant to be seen by only a small selected group as it contains political and sensual aspects.
  • 113

    Trajan's Column by Apollodorus of Damascus : Ancient Roman (107 - 113 AD)

    Trajan's Column by Apollodorus of Damascus : Ancient Roman (107 - 113 AD)
    The Trajan's Column was built in commemoration of the Roman emperor Trajan's victory in the Dacian Wars. This column continuously depicts a variety of scenes, some showing different angles of the scene, that unfold throughout the 115 foot high marble column.
  • 200

    Nok Terracottas : African (500 BC - 200 AD)

    Nok Terracottas : African (500 BC - 200 AD)
    The Nok Terracotta figures are apart of a series of small iron-wroked sculptchers. They are believed to represent spiritual and religious beings used in traditional cerimoies.
  • 547

    Basilica of San Vitale by the Roman Catholic Church : Byzantine (526 - 547 AD)

    Basilica of San Vitale by the Roman Catholic Church : Byzantine (526 - 547 AD)
    The church Basilica of San Vitale, Italy, is one of the most important examples of early Christian Byzantine art and architecture in Europe. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basilica_of_San_Vitale
  • 1144

    Basilica of St Denis by Abbot Suger : Gothic (1144 CE)

    Basilica of St Denis by Abbot Suger : Gothic (1144 CE)
    The north transept rose features the Tree of Jesse and on the opposite wall of the church is the south transept rose depicting the Creation. Reared as the birth of Gothic art, the renaceance archatech, Abbot Suger was the first to place a great importance on light, a religiouse symbol of divinity.
  • 1145

    The Last Judgment by Gislebertus : Romanesque (1130 -1145 CE)

    The Last Judgment by Gislebertus : Romanesque (1130 -1145 CE)
    Located above the main entrance of the Cathedral of Saint-Lazare, this tympanum serves as the main portal. Framed in this divine sphere is Christ in the center held up by angels, the Virgin Mary and the devil. This piece graphicly shows the weighing of souls, the seperation between the saved and the damned beings, good and evil
  • 1300

    Bronze Head from Ife : African (11th - 15th CE)

    Bronze Head from Ife : African (11th - 15th CE)
    Originating from Nigeria, these bronze casted heads are busts of political rulers. Their detailed line work, holes, and accessories represent high class, value, and religious ranking.
  • 1310

    Ognissanti Madonna (Madonna in Maestà) by Giotto di Bondone : Romanesque (1314 - 1327 AD)

    Ognissanti Madonna (Madonna in Maestà) by Giotto di Bondone : Romanesque (1314 - 1327 AD)
    Located on an alter in the first room of the Uffizi church, this formal portal painting depicts the subject matters Virgin Mary (Madonna), holding Child Christ with saints and angels surrounding them. This style of depicting Virgin Mary is called a Maestà. Although this painting is reminiscent of the Byzantine style, Giotto painted with light and contrast, creating a sense of volume. Giotto was the first artist out of the Western European art style to depict three dimensional figures.
  • 1425

    The Tribute Money by Masaccio : Renaissance (1425 CE)

    The Tribute Money by Masaccio : Renaissance (1425 CE)
    Located in the Brancacci chapel this painting tells a story of St. Peter in a continuous narrative.
  • 1470

    Dome of Florence Cathedral by Filippo Brunelleschi : (1420 - 1436 CE)

    Dome of Florence Cathedral by Filippo Brunelleschi : (1420 - 1436 CE)
  • 1498

    Last Supper by Leonarda da Vinci : Renaissance (1495 - 1498 CE)

    Last Supper by Leonarda da Vinci : Renaissance (1495 - 1498 CE)
    The Last Supper depicts Christ and his followers eating. This piece sets out to unite the earthly, represented by the 12 apostils, and the divine, Christ. This scene captures the twelve apostles’ reactions the moment after Christ says, “One of you will betray me.”. In this painting we see human emotions depicted in the 12 figure’s with an energy of fear and worry in the figures surround Christ who is dead center with a glowing window and a sphere of empty space that frames him.
  • 1504

    David, Michelangelo : Renaissance (1501–1504)

    David, Michelangelo : Renaissance (1501–1504)
    This massive 17' suculpture represents David during the biblical battle with Goliath. Michelangelo capturing his expression to seeing Goliath, before he reacts to him in a contrapposto pose. He exaggerated the Renaissance architectural style of geometric design and symmetry ad created a more intellectual pose with not muscular or "fleshy" look to his nude body.
  • Queen Mother Pendant Mask : African (16th CE)

    Queen Mother Pendant Mask : African (16th CE)
    This mask depicts a women's face who was the mother of the king of Benin. The detailed line work and the white color symbolize ritual purity and high political status. This mask was used in spiritual ceremonies among the Benin.
  • Self-Portrait, Judith Leyster : Southern Baroque (1630 CE)

    Self-Portrait, Judith Leyster : Southern Baroque (1630 CE)
  • Taj Mahal by Shah Jahan : Islamic (1632 - 1653 AD)

    Taj Mahal by Shah Jahan : Islamic (1632 - 1653 AD)