war of 1812

  • Jefferson's inaugeration

    Jefferson's inaugeration
    Jefferson was inaugerated on march 4th 1801. He was the third president of the USA,
  • Jefferson became president

    Jefferson became president
    Jefferson became president in 1801, because everyone thought he was a good leader.
  • canadas government

    canadas government
    Brock becomes Lieutenent Governor of Upper Canada. He is the new lieutenent governor.
  • battle of tippeconoe

    battle of  tippeconoe
    this war was fought between US forces. The forces were led by Governor Henry Harrison and his little brother tenswatata
  • Baltimore Riots

    Baltimore Riots
    IT's said to be the most brutal and terrifying riots of the young nations history at this time.
  • americans capture york

    americans capture york
    the americans were capturing york at this time. york is where Toronto is today. yay go cananda.
  • Fort Mims massacre

    Fort Mims massacre
    Fort Mims massacre was in Alabama, August 30th 1813. about 700 indians killed 250 people and 100 captives and destroyed the fort.
  • Battle of Plattsburgh

    	 Battle of Plattsburgh
    The Battle of Plattsburgh which was also known as the battle of lake champlain. It ended the final invasion of the northern states during the war of 1812.
  • Americans capture york

    Americans captured york. York is todays Toronto.