Venezuelan economic crisis

  • Hugo Chavez elected president of venezuela

    Hugo Chavez elected president of venezuela
    In 1998, Hugo Chavez won the office of president of Venezuela, starting over 18 years of socialist rule.
  • Chavez wins referendum to serve out his term

    Chavez wins referendum to serve out his term
    Hugo Chavez beats out the referendum on whether or not he really was supposed to be president of Venezuela.
  • Venezuelan land reform bill passes

    Venezuelan land reform bill passes
    Hugo Chavez passes the land reform bill to distribute the land to the urban poor.
  • Venezuela Russia arms deal

    Venezuela Russia arms deal
    Venezuela and Russia sign a 1.3 billion dollar arms deal to remove power from the U.S. in international relations.
  • Colombian cross-border raid on Ecuador

    Colombian cross-border raid on Ecuador
    Colombia does a cross-border raid into Ecuador, a Venezuelan ally, which results in increased border security.
  • Chavez devalues the bolivar for basic goods

    Chavez devalues the bolivar for basic goods
    Hugo Chavez devalues the Bolivar by 17% to try and make basic goods more accessible.
  • Government extends price controls on more basic goods

    Government extends price controls on more basic goods
    The Venezuelan government puts price caps on basic goods to try and make them more accessible to the general public.
  • Chavez returns from cancer treatments

    Chavez returns from cancer treatments
    Hugo Chavez returns from Cuba after his cancer treatments to run for a fourth term in office.
  • Hugo Chavez dies from cancer

    Hugo Chavez dies from cancer
    Hugo Chavez dies partly through his fourth term from cancer after 58 years.
  • Mud party wins two thirds majority

    Mud party wins two thirds majority
    The Mud party wins a majority of the national assembly for the first time, beginning the downfall of the socialist government.
  • President Maduro declares economic emergency

    President Maduro declares economic emergency
    President Maduro finally declares an economic emergency after 18 years.
  • Venezuelans demand referendum on removal of Maduro

    Venezuelans demand referendum on removal of Maduro
    Venezuelans tired of socialist government demand a referendum on whether the socialist should still be in power.