Cold war 1

US/Soviet Arms Race

  • Trinity Test

    Trinity Test
    The world's first atomic bomb test. This started the eventual US/Soviet Arms Race.
  • America's Test Baker - underwater explosion

    America's Test Baker - underwater explosion
  • USSR RDS-1

    USSR RDS-1
    First Soviet atomic bomb test. Known as Joe-1 to the West, referencing Joseph Stalin, it was called "First Lightning" (Первая молния, Pervaya molniya) in the USSR.
  • Truman approves H-bomb development

    Truman approves H-bomb development
  • Period: to

    A-bombs developed by Britain

  • H-bomb Castle-Bravo test

    H-bomb Castle-Bravo test
  • US Atlas Missile Development

    US Atlas Missile Development
    Could travel 6,000 miles, accurate to within one mile of target
  • Tsar Bomba

    Tsar Bomba
    The "King of Bombs," a nickname for the Soviet AN602 hydrogen bomb, the most powerful weapon ever detonated. The bomb's yield was reduced to fromm 100MT to 50MT to reduce the amount of fallout produced and to provide enough time for the bomber deploying the device to escape it's blast.
    Click here for a video of the blast, along with more statistics.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    October 14, 1962-October 28, 1962
    Detailed timeline is available here
  • Test Ban Treaty

    Test Ban Treaty
    Treaty between UK, USSR and US limits nuclear testing. France and China reject it and develop their own weapons.Noted in a speech by President Kennedy on the topic.
  • Non-Proliferation Treaty

    Non-Proliferation Treaty
    Signed by UK, USSR and US: agree not to assist non-signatories in gaining nuclear weapons.
  • SALT II treaty

    SALT II treaty
    A Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty between the USA and USSR. The US did not ratify the treatydue to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
  • Strategic Defense Initiative

    Strategic Defense Initiative
    "Star Wars," a space-based desfense proposal for the United States.

    START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) was a treaty between the USA and USSR "on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms."
  • SORT / Treaty of Moscow

    SORT / Treaty of Moscow
    SORT (Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty) was an arms reduction treaty between the United States and Russian Federation. It was replaced in 2011 by New START.
  • New START

    New START
    New START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) is a nuclear arms reduction treaty between the United States and the Russian Federation.