All about the USA

  • The pilgrims

    The pilgrims
    The pilgrims left England because they wanted religious and plitical freedom.
  • The pilgrims see the end

    The pilgrims see the end
    The pilgrims saw land in the distance.
  • Native American

    Native American
    The Native Americans taught the pilgrims how to grow corn,beans and pumpkins.
  • Independence from Great Britain.

    Independence from Great Britain.
    The colonies declared Independence from Great Britain.Their leaders published the Declaration of Independence on this date.
  • The french Emeperor Napoleón

    The french Emeperor Napoleón
    The French Emeperor Napoleón offered to sell the land to the United States for $15 million.
  • US Government.

    US Government.
    The US Government created the first Indian territory in the área now called Oklahoma.
  • Extension of the country.

    Extension of the country.
    The country extended from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.
  • End of the slavery.

    End of the slavery.
    Abraham Lincoln is the President of the USA.He wants to end slavery.
  • Fort Sumter yerterday.

    Fort Sumter yerterday.
    They think they're a different nation from the Unión in the north.Confederate soldiers attacked a Unión fort called Fort Sumter yerterday.
  • A terrible war.

    A terrible war.
    This war is terrible.A lot of people dead..The war can't continue for long because the Confederates are losing.
  • The slaves are free.

    The slaves are free.
    It's the end of the war. Now the slaves are free and the country is one nation.