Unit 7; Imperialism

  • Battle of Puebla

    Battle of Puebla
    French attacked Puebla, but lost to Mexico.
  • French Withdraw

    French Withdraw
    Withdrawl of troops ended hostility between France and Mexico.
  • Alaska Purchase

    Alaska Purchase
    Russia feared that the territory of Alaska would be seized, so they made a treaty with the US and they realized the territory.
  • Reciprocity Treaty of 1875

    Reciprocity Treaty of 1875
    This treaty led to large investments by Americans in sugarcane plantations in Hawaii,
  • The Influence of Sea Power upon History by Alfred Thayer Mahan

     The Influence of Sea Power upon History by Alfred Thayer Mahan
    A history of naval warfare that details the role of sea power.
  • Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii

    Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii
    US invades Hawaii with the US Marines and followed the annexation of it.
  • Annexation of Hawaii

    Annexation of Hawaii
    American annexation of Hawaii.
  • US declares war on Spain.

    US declares war on Spain.
    Decleration of war starts Spanish-American War.
  • Battle of Manila Bay

    Battle of Manila Bay
    This batlle involved destruction of the Spanish by the US.
  • Boxer's Rebellion

    Boxer's Rebellion
    A violent anti-foreign uprising that took place in China
  • US troops land in Cuba

    US troops land in Cuba
    US troops landed in Cuba during the Spanish-American war
  • U.S. forces defeat the Spanish at the Battle of San Juan Heights.

    U.S. forces defeat the Spanish at the Battle of San Juan Heights.
    Where Roosevelt defeated the Spanish and became the bloodiest battle of the war.
  • U.S. forces destroy the Spanish Fleet off Santiago Bay, Cuba.

    U.S. forces destroy the Spanish Fleet off Santiago Bay, Cuba.
    Fought between Spain and US and was key naval engagement.
  • The Spanish surrender at Santiago

    The Spanish surrender at Santiago
    They could not supply enough weapons and the Spanish surrendered.
  • The U.S. and Spain sign the Protocol of Peace

    The U.S. and Spain sign the Protocol of Peace
    The signing of this treaty ended hostilities between them.
  • The Treaty of Paris is signed

    The Treaty of Paris is signed
    The signingv of the Treaty of Paris resulted in peace and ownership of Cuba and Puerto Rico.
  • Open Door Policy

    Open Door Policy
    US requires China to have open door policy of trade.
  • Phillipine-American War Starts

    Phillipine-American War Starts
    The Phillipines declares on US in hopes of gaining independence.
  • Assasination of McKinley

    Assasination of McKinley
    McKinley was shot in the Temple of Music and died that day.
  • The Venezuelan Affair

    The Venezuelan Affair
    A territory dispute between who owned the territory, Venezuela and Britain
  • Panama Gains independence

    Panama Gains independence
    Panama gains independence from Columbia, making US become involved in Panamanian Affairs
  • Panama Canal (Big Stick).

    Panama Canal (Big Stick).
    US helps Panama revolt against Columbia in order to get rights to build Panama Canal
  • Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty

    Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
    This treaty established the Panama Canal Zone.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
    War fought over rival imperial ambitions.
  • Dollar Diplomacy

    Dollar Diplomacy
    A foreign policy created by Taft to ensure power and economic loans
  • Archduke Assasination

    Archduke Assasination
    Archduke assasinated on a trip by a gunshot wound, this was a major cause of the war.
  • Poison Gas by Germans

    Poison Gas by Germans
    Posion gas is introduced as a new weapon.
  • Sinking of Lusitania

    Sinking of Lusitania
    This was a sinking of german ship that caused total warfare.
  • Zimmerman Telegraph

    Zimmerman Telegraph
    This message was sent, but intercepted by US and decoded as a war threat.
  • US joins War

    US joins War
    Due to threat of telegram Wilson declares the joining of the war.
  • US enters War

    US enters War
    Many determining factors including the assasination of the Archduke cause the start of World War I.
  • Armistice Day

    Armistice Day
    It marks the armistice between Germany and France.
  • Red Scare

    Red Scare
    The Red Scare is the fear of communism.