Unit 7

  • Alaska Purchase

    Alaska Purchase
    The U.S purchased Alaska from Russia for 7.2 million dollars and the negotiation was made by the secretary of state William Seward
  • Alfred Thayer Mahan

    Alfred Thayer Mahan
    Wrote "The Influence of Sea Power", served in the Civil War
  • Hawaii:Cleveland Rejects Annexation

    Hawaii:Cleveland Rejects Annexation
    President Grover Cleveland denied Republican efforts to annex Hawaii
  • Spanish-American War:Yellow Press

    Spanish-American War:Yellow Press
    Newspapers present little or no legitimate researched news and instead use eye catching headlines to increase sales
  • Spanish-American War: De Lome Letter

    Spanish-American War: De Lome Letter
    Written by the Spanish minister to the president of the United States, the letter was highly critical of president McKinley and was considered an insult from Spain to the U.S
  • Spanish-American War:Teller Amendment

    Spanish-American War:Teller Amendment
    Legislation that promised the U.S would not annex Cuba after winning the Spanish-American War
  • Spanish-American War:Guantanamo Bay

    Spanish-American War:Guantanamo Bay
    Naval base in Cuba granted to the U.S as part of the Platt Amendment
  • Hawaii:Annexation

    Hawaii was annexed as a territory of the U.S
  • Philippine-American War:Treaty of Paris 1898

    Philippine-American War:Treaty of Paris 1898
    Spain relinquishes all of its remaining empire, including the Philippines, to the U.S
  • Spanish-American War:The Sinking of the Maine

    Spanish-American War:The Sinking of the Maine
    U.S battle ship, The Maine, anchored in Havana,Cuba, exploded and killed 260 Americans
  • China:Open Door Policy

    China:Open Door Policy
    Statement of principles initiated by the U.S for the protection of equal privileges among countries trading with China
  • Spanish-American War:Foraker Act

    Spanish-American War:Foraker Act
    Law passed by Congress under which the U.S gave Puerto Ricans a limited say in government
  • China:Boxer Rebellion

    China:Boxer Rebellion
    Violent anti-foreign, anti-colonial, and anti-Christian uprising
  • Panama Canal: Hay-Pauncefote Treaty

    Panama Canal: Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
    Preliminary to the creation of the Panama Canal
  • Spanish-American War:Platt Amendment

    Spanish-American War:Platt Amendment
    Legislation that severely restricted Cuba's sovereignty and gave the U.S the right to intervene if Cuba got into trouble
  • Panama Canal:Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty

    Panama Canal:Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
    Established the Panama Canal Zone and the subsequent construction of the Panama Canal
  • Big Stick Diplomacy:Russo-Japanese War

    Big Stick Diplomacy:Russo-Japanese War
    Roosevelt arranged for a diplomatic conference between Russia and Japan where they both agreed to the Treaty of Portsmouth, but Japan blamed the U.S for their country not getting all they wanted from Russia
  • Big Stick Diplomacy:Gentlemen's Agreement

    Big Stick Diplomacy:Gentlemen's Agreement
    Arranged by Roosevelt's policy, the Japanese government secretly agreed to restrict the emigration of Japanese workers to the U.S in return for the Roosevelt persuading California to repeal its discriminatory laws
  • Japan:Root-Takahira Agreement

    Japan:Root-Takahira Agreement
    Accord between the U.S and Japan that averted a drift toward possible war by mutually acknowledging certain international policies and spheres of influence in the Pacific
  • Dollar Diplomacy

    Dollar Diplomacy
    Foreign policy by president Taft to ensure the financial stability of a region while protecting and extending U.S commercial and financial interests there
  • Mexico:Mexican Revolution

    Mexico:Mexican Revolution
    Major armed struggle radically transforming Mexican culture and government
  • Mexico:Tampico Affair

    Mexico:Tampico Affair
    Began as a minor incident involving U.S sailors and Mexican land forces loyal to the Mexican dictator
  • World War 1: Lusitania Crisis

    World War 1: Lusitania Crisis
    The first major crisis U.S neutrality and peace was the torpedoing and sinking of a British passenger liner, The Lusitania
  • Philippine-American War:Jones Act of 1916

    Philippine-American War:Jones Act of 1916
    Granted full territorial status to that country, guaranteed a bill of rights and universal male suffrage to Filipino citizens, and promised Philippine independence as soon as a stable government was established
  • Red Scare

    Red Scare
    Promotion of widespread fear by a society or state about a potential rise of communism
  • Spanish-American War:Jones Act of 1917

    Spanish-American War:Jones Act of 1917
    Granted Puerto Ricans citizenship and gave them the right to elect both houses of their legislature
  • World War 1:Zimmerman Telegram

    World War 1:Zimmerman Telegram
    Secret diplomatic communication from Germany that proposed a military alliance between Germany and Mexico
  • World War 1:Espionage Act

    World War 1:Espionage Act
    Provided imprisonment for up to 20 years for persons who tried to incite rebellion in the armed forces or obstruct the operation of the draft
  • World War 1: Selective Service Act

    World War 1: Selective Service Act
    Authorized the U.S federal government to raise a national army for service in World War 1 through conscription
  • World War 1: Sedition Act

    World War 1: Sedition Act
    Prohibited people from making "disloyal" or "abusive" remarks about the U.S government
  • World War 1: Case of Schneck v U.S

    World War 1: Case of Schneck v U.S
    A man was imprisoned for distributing pamphlets against the draft, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes ruled that the right to free speech could be limited when it presented a "clear and present danger" to public safety
  • World War 1:Treaty of Versailles

    World War 1:Treaty of Versailles
    Peace treaty that brought an end to World War 1, Germans must pay for reparations