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Unit 1 HI: To what extent do people change behaviors due to visual cues?

By kellp
  • Period: to


    Use this time to really reflect about finished product. This was a hard assignment and you made it!
  • Investigate Stage

    Investigate Stage
    Students need to investigate the issue and visual cues.
  • Period: to

    Increasing your knowledge

    During this time, you have been investigating all you can about this topic and thinking about how your creation can affect behavior.
  • 1st Draft of INvestigate is due

    Please use the technical writing techniques to edit your investigate stage.
  • Period: to

    Continue to update your investigate Stage

  • Design Stage

    Design Stage
    Three detailed designs (minimum) are needed. Choosing one and justifying the final choice!
  • Period: to

    Coming up with all the ideas!

    This is a hard stage, thinking up ideas and then making it GREAT, just to come up with more great ideas!
  • Plan it!

    Plan it!
    Every job worth doing well, needs a little planning! Don't skip out on this step, it can make the difference between something good and something great!
  • Create Stage

    Create Stage
    Making the dreams reality!
  • Period: to

    Making it real!

    Use all the time necessary to get it done right! Make it perfect! Make it look real!
  • Evaluate it!

    Evaluate it!
    Look back at your progress, at your product- What was hard? What was easy? How can it be made better?
  • Project finished! NEXT!