u.s history 1800-1860

  • judical review

    this is when the Supreme Cort established Judical View
    pg 266
  • expiodention begings

    lewis and Clark beging their expadetion
    pg 266
  • The first pratical steam boat

    Fulton desighns the first pratical steam boat
    pg 297
  • Period: to

    U.S history 1800-1860

  • Tecumeseh joins the british army

    Tecumesh joins the Brithish army after the battel of Tippecanoe
    pg 267
  • War on British

    The u.s declares war on Britain
    pg 267
  • Wasington D.C gets burned

    Brithish forches burn Washington D.C
    pg 267
  • Battle of New Orleans

    The Battle of New Orleans begins
    pg 267
  • Florda is officaly apart of the U.S

    After being claimed many tomes Spain decided to offcialy transfer Florda to the U,S
  • Monroe Doctrine is issued

    On this day during the anual address to congress, James Momror isued the Monroe Docttrine
    pg 322
  • Erie Canal compleated

    On this day the Erie Canale was officaliy considerd done
  • andrew jackson

    andrew jackson was prsident from 1829-1837
  • Indian Removel Act

    On this day congress passed the Indian Removel act so they could remove all indians tribes from the southwest teritory
  • Force Bill

    On this day congress passes the Force Bill to compel the state of South Carolina's compliance with a series of federal tariffs
  • Barrle of the Alamo

    On this day the battle of the alamo begun and lasted untill March 6
  • martin van buren

    martin van buren was president from 1837-1841
  • john tyler

    jhon tyler was president from 1841-1845
  • james k polk

    james k pollk was officaly elected president
  • war on mexico

    on this day congress deckared war on mexico whuich lasted untill febuary 2 1848
  • Califorina gold rush

    on this day the califorina gold rush officaly started
  • zachary Taylor

    zachary taylor was president from 1849-1850