
Ty's Timeline

By ctylrj
  • Just born

  • 1st birthday

    My 1st birthday was fun. I was excited!
  • ty's 2 birthday

  • Ty's 3 birthday

  • Ty's 4 birthday

  • Batman

    My favorite monster truck is batman. And he won the championship.
  • ty's 1st lost tooth

    ty's 1st lost tooth
    I went to the shower and whenI got out I lost my tooth! I showed my dad my tooth.
  • Soccer game

    Soccer game
    I won a soccer game. I got hurt in the soccer game.
  • Ty's 5 birthday

    Ty's 5 birthday
    For my 5th birthday I went to Ollie's and my favorite game was Sponge Bob. I had my friends at my party.
  • Ty's 6th birthday

    Ty's 6th birthday
    I went to Sea World for the 1st time. I saw Shamu for my 1st time!
  • Football game

    Football game
    The msu lost the football game. I watched the football game with Dad and Neva.
  • Ty's 7th birthday

    Ty's 7th birthday
    For my 7th birthday I went to Disney! I raced a car in with dad.
  • Swim

    My friend put bunny ears on my head. MR.Tom come out to swim.