
Travel to Tarapoto

  • First day

    First day
    I arrived to Tarapoto city located in San Martin , founded on August 20, 1782 by the Spanish bishop Baltazar Jaime Martínez de Compagnon and Bujanda. The same day we went to "Urkus" that is a zoo , responsable for rescuing animals and preparing them for going to the Jungle.
  • Second day

    Second day
    We went to Moyobamba city, founded on July 25,1540, by Juan Pérez de Guevara, we visited the orchid botanical garden, in that place we observed the different species of flowers and plants. Then we went to the thermal baths of San Mateo,that is about different wells with hot, warm and cold water,it is a circuit that allows you to experience different temperatures, they also have therapeutic properties.At the end we traveled to the city of Rioja where we visited a small zoo.
  • Third day

    Third day
    We went to Laguna Azul, which is a freshwater lake located in the San Martín Region. To get there, we pass through Puerto Lopez, where the Huallaga River is crossed by a pontón. We navigated around the lagoon in a boat and we could see the flora and fauna of the place
  • Fourth day

    Fourth day
    We went to the academic center of Biodiversity research and ecotourism in San Martin,where we observed some animals,plants and flowers.Then we went to the Ahuashiyacu Waterfall that is a waterfall located in the department of San Martín,then we visited a little chocolate factory,then we go to the city of Lamas in that place we visited a little museum and we observed their traditions. Finally we return to Lima after having a fun and a interesting travel.