Topic 1 & 2 Test Timeline

  • 3000 BCE

    Cuneiform is Created

    Cuneiform is Created
    Cuneiform is one of the most important events related to the development of civilization because it was the first-ever writing system. Cuneiform was created by the Mesopotamians to write down tax records.
  • 2660 BCE

    The Pyramids of Giza Are Started

    The Pyramids of Giza Are Started
    The pyramids were built in Egypt during the Old Kingdom from 2660 - 2400 BCE. These early feats of engineering were built as tombs for the kings of Egypt. The construction of the pyramids was only possible in Egypt because of the plentiful harvests the Nile's fertile soil allowed. The harvests allowed the people working on the pyramids to have sufficient calories to work so hard.
  • 2340 BCE

    First True Empire is Formed

    First True Empire is Formed
    In 2340 BCE the first-ever true empire was formed. The empire was made by Sargon the Great when he conquered and united many of the Mesopotamian cities. This showed the development of civilization because it was the first large gathering of people under one ruler. It showed how far bureaucracy had come.
  • 1780 BCE

    Hammurabi's Code was made

    Hammurabi's Code was made
    Hammurabi's Code is the first set of laws that were made (that we know of). The laws were made in Babylon and emphasized the "eye for an eye" principle. This was vital to the development of civilization because, without laws and a system of punishment for breaking the laws, cities would fall into chaos.
  • 1353 BCE

    Amenhotep IV's Rule Began

    Amenhotep IV's Rule Began
    Amenhotep IV was a Pharoah in Egypt that tried to start a religious revolution in Egypt and make them monotheistic. This revolution was not well thought out, so it failed miserably. If it were not for his son, King Tut, who came after him and restored the old religious traditions, then Egypt may have fallen. This is important to the development of civilization because it shows how unpopular monotheism was until the Hebrews came.
  • 1300 BCE

    Phoenician Alphabet is Created

    Phoenician Alphabet is Created
    The Phoenician alphabet was the first syllabic writing system. That means that each character of their alphabet represented a syllable of a word. This alphabet was the basis for the Greek and Roman writing system. This was a large step in the development of languages, since before every word had a character which meant it was a tough language to learn. Syllabic writing is the basis of all writing in the world today.
  • 1150 BCE

    The Collapse of The New Kingdom

    The Collapse of The New Kingdom
    The collapse of the New Kingdom was part of a much larger phenomenon, the collapse of the Bronze Age. The New Kingdom collapsed because of a series of invasions. Then, a civil war broke out among the people of Egypt, which left them vulnerable to outside attacks. Soon enough, Egypt would be added to the empire of the Assyrians. This was important to the development of civilization because it showed the end of an era of civilizations and the start of a new, stronger era.
  • 1100 BCE

    Blacksmiths Make Iron Sturdier

    Blacksmiths Make Iron Sturdier
    The Iron Age began right after the collapse of the Bronze Age when blacksmiths found a way to make iron stronger. This caused the armies around the world to stop using bronze, which they couldn't get anyways because all the trade routes that transported bronze collapsed, and begin using iron since it was stronger. The use of iron in wars was revolutionary as it changed warfare.
  • 880 BCE

    The Assyrians Rise To Power

    The Assyrians Rise To Power
    In 880 BCE the Assyrians started wars to conquer Mesopotamia and Canaan. This symbolizes the start of the Assyrian's rise to power. The Assyrians' rise to power was important because they were to become the empire with the best military and bureaucratic system of all civilizations so far in the Iron Age.
  • 750 BCE

    The Prophetic Movement Begins

    The Prophetic Movement Begins
    The prophetic movement was a religious movement run by the Hebrews that lasted from 750 - 550 BCE. In this movement, the Hebrews spread the word that people should worship Yahweh exclusively. This was very important to the development of civilization because it was the beginning of many important religions in today's world such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.