Top Ten Hawaiian Events

By lmyers1
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    First people arrive at the Hawaiian Islands

    The discovery of Hawaii marked the beginning of Hawaiian history.
  • King Kamehameha I unifies the islands

    King Kamehameha's successful war to unify the islands led to a new era of peace and prosperity for Hawaii.
  • The kapu system is abolished

    The dissolution of the ancient Hawaiian code of laws and religion allowed European missionaries to replace Hawaiian culture with Christianity and Western ideals.
  • First successful sugar plantation

    The first successful sugar plantation was founded on Kaua'i by Ladd & Co., which began the plantation era of Hawaii.
  • First Hawaiian Constitution

    The Kingdom of Hawaii adopted its first constitution, which was one of the last steps toward a modernized government.
  • Coup d'etat

    A coup lead by wealthy plantation owners seeking greater profits and backed illegitimately by the US military led to the overthrow of the monarchy and the founding of the Republic of Hawaii.
  • Hawaii is annexed

    The annexation of Hawaii by the United States following the coup was both the death of the last of Old Hawaii and the beginning of the new Hawaiian era.
  • Bombing of Pearl Harbor

    The attack on Pearl Harbor by Japan was an important event not only for Hawaii, but for the world. It ushered the United States into World War II and caused great loss of life.
  • Hilo Tsunami

    The 1946 tsunami devastated Hilo and other towns on the east of the Big Island, and destroyed the last of the railroad and plantation presence in the territory.
  • Hawaiian Statehood

    When Hawaii was made the 50th state, the people finally gained the right to vote, as well as have a proper state government.